In your office or room
- Lock your valuables up even if you are just going down the hall. It takes a thief less than 10 seconds to enter a room and steal your property.
- When entering a locked building or area, do not let someone “tailgate” in behind you. Ask for their I.D. if you do not know them.
- Do not leave messages on your door indicating that you are away or when you will be back.
- Do not put your home address on your keys and do not leave your keys in a “special” hiding place.
- Call Security to report any suspicious persons or activities.
When walking
- Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
- Walk with confidence, not like a vacationer not knowing where you are going. Project a no-nonsense image.
- Avoid walking alone at night. Walk with a co-worker or friend.
- If confronted by an attacker, scream loudly and try to run to a safe zone (i.e. occupied campus building, business or home).
- In some instances, you may have nowhere to go and should be prepared to defend yourself.
- Many objects in your purse, pocket or on your body can be used as a weapon to defend against an attacker, such as keys, fingernails, pen, metal nail file, etc.
While driving
- Have your car key ready to open door.
- Look into your car before entering.
- Lock doors and roll up windows and fasten seatbelt before starting car.
- Do not stop to assist occupants of disabled vehicles. Continue driving and call for help on your car phone or stop at the nearest phone and call 911.
- If your car breaks down, raise your hood, lock yourself in the car and call 911 or AAA if possible. If someone stops to assist you, remain in your car and crack the window to talk.
Protecting your car or bicycle
- Always lock your car.
- In warm weather, never leave your windows cracked or your convertible top down.
- If you cannot take all valuables with you, secure them in the trunk or glove box.
- Lock bikes to immovable objects or bike racks with hardened, alloy locks and chains or U-shaped locks.
Report Crimes & Suspicious Activity by dialing: 9.911
Facilities Services Dial: #8173
After Hours Dial: 9.585.6801