2025-2026 Tuition & Fees
A full-time student living on campus can expect the following charges: tuition, mandatory fees and residential living charges.
Full-time Tuition
Fee | Annually | Per Semester |
Tuition | $25,250 | $12,625 |
Mandatory Fees | $1,508 | $754 |
Food | $3,378 | $1,689 |
Housing* | $7,038 | $3,519 |
Total Cost of Attendance | $37,174 | $18,587 |
If a student is enrolled in eighteen (18) or more credit hours during a semester, an overload charge for each credit hour over seventeen and one half (17.5) will be assessed.
*Food & Housing cost based on first-year, double occupancy rates
Part-time Tuition
- $342 per credit hour: for 1 to 8.5 credits
- $660 per credit hour - for 9 to 11.5 credits
Comprehensive Fee
- Full-time Students: $1,464 annually
- Part-time Students: $144 annually
The comprehensive fee for all students covers admission to student activities, athletic events, use of library and learning resources, campus ministry, campus health services, and other services generally available to students. A portion of the fee goes directly to the Student Senate to support the many student activities and organizations. Students are also entitled to receive three transcripts at no charge.
The comprehensive fee for full-time students also includes membership at the Forest City YMCA and the laptop service fee. The comprehensive fee is charged to students each semester the student is enrolled.
Residential Living
Housing with Meal Plan | Annually | Per Semester |
Breen Double Room | $11,264 | $5,632 |
Double Tanner, Ormseth, Rasmusson or Johnson & London Room |
$10,416 | $5,208 |
Single Tanner, Ormseth, Rasmusson or Johnson & London Room |
$12,112 | $6,056 |
Theme Houses | $11,264 | $5,632 |
Timberland Apartment | $8,120 | $4,060 |
Waldorf offers three meal plans for our students to choose from.
- Purple Plan: 19 meals per week w/$125 Flex
- Gold Plan: 12 meals per week w/$225 Flex
- Silver Plan: 125 meals per semester w/$300 Flex
Commuter meal plans for off-campus and Timberland residents are also available.
- Commuter Block: 80 Meal Plan: $630, $75 Flex
- Commuter Block: 50 Meal Plan: $430, $75 Flex
- Commuter Block: 30 Meal Plan: $336, $100 Flex
Tuition / Housing Deposit Form
Course Fees
The extraordinary cost involved in offering certain classes may involve an additional course fee. Please check course listings for the fee amount.
Other Fees
Commencement Fees
- Undergraduate: $125
- Graduate: $160
Private Instrumental Lessons
Hours | Cost |
1 credit hour | $336 per semester |
2 credit hours | $565 per semester |
Private Voice Lessons
Hours | Cost |
1 credit hour | $410 per semester |
2 credit hours | $631 per semester |
Independent Study | $70 per credit hour |
Directed Study | $100 per credit hour |
2024-2025 Tuition and Fees
A full-time student living on campus can expect the following charges: tuition, comprehensive fee and residential living charges.
Full-time Tuition
Fee | Annually | Per Semester |
Tuition | $24,514 | $12,257 |
Comprehensive Fee | $1,464 | $732 |
Food & Housing* | $9,920 | $4,960 |
Total Cost of Attendance | $35,898 | $17,949 |
Overload Tuition | $634 per credit hour | N/A |
If a student is enrolled in eighteen (18) or more credit hours during a semester, an overload charge for each credit hour over seventeen and one half (17.5) will be assessed.
*Food & Housing cost based on first-year, double occupancy rates
2024-2025 Statement of charges
Part-time Tuition
- $342 per credit hour: for 1 to 8.5 credits
- $660 per credit hour - for 9 to 11.5 credits
Comprehensive Fee
- Full-time Students: $1,464 annually
- Part-time Students: $144 annually
Residential Living
Housing with Meal Plan | Annually | Per Semester |
Breen Double Room | $10,728 | $5,364 |
Double Tanner, Ormseth, Rasmusson or Johnson & London Room |
$9,920 | $4,960 |
Single Tanner, Ormseth, Rasmusson or Johnson & London Room |
$11,534 | $5,767 |
Theme Houses | $10,728 | $5,364 |
Timberland Apartment | $7,732 | $3,866 |
Waldorf offers three meal plans for our students to choose from.
- Purple Plan: 19 meals per week w/$125 Flex
- Gold Plan: 12 meals per week w/$225 Flex
- Silver Plan: 125 meals per semester w/$300 Flex
Commuter meal plans for off-campus and Timberland residents are also available.
- Commuter Block: 80 Meal Plan: $630, $75 Flex
- Commuter Block: 50 Meal Plan: $430, $75 Flex
- Commuter Block: 30 Meal Plan: $336, $100 Flex
Terms of Payment
By registering, students accept the responsibility to pay the charges for the entire semester, regardless of the method or source of payment. Suitable payment arrangements must be made each semester before the third day of classes. Students who do not pay or make suitable payment arrangements for their semester bill will be placed on Business Hold and may not be allowed to attend class or participate in activities until payment or arrangements have been made at the Business Office.
The University reserves the right to withhold registration materials, transcripts, diplomas and all other information regarding the record of any student who is in arrears in the payment of tuition, fees or any other amounts due the University, including Perkins or Direct Student Loans. A student may be dismissed from the University for continued delinquency of financial obligations. Unpaid bills will be turned over to a collection agency. Collection and/or other finance charges must be paid by the student in addition to the unpaid amount before the University can release information as described in the preceding paragraph.