Academic Information and Policies

The Vice President of Academic Affairs is responsible for all academic programs. The Vice President’s office is located on the main floor of Salveson Hall and can be reached at 641.585.8134.

Please see the catalog for more information

AnchorStudent Life

The Office of Student Life is a coordinating department for residential student services at Waldorf University. These services include mental health counseling, health services, residence life, intramurals and recreation, student activities, orientation, international student services, Campus Information Center (CIC) for mail and packages, security and parking, judicial affairs, student mailboxes, parking and transportation services.

The Office of Student Life, located in the Campus Center, is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Appointments are scheduled through the Administrative Coordinator for Student Life at 641.585.8160. The Campus Center also includes the Esports Center, Art Room, Anne Marie Mitchell meeting room, Shooting Sports suite, lower level programming space and Campus Dining (641.585.8168), 

Counseling Services

Nicolas Determann, Counselor

  • Phone: 641.585.8164
  • Email:
  • Location: Campus Center, main floor, office 105
  • Office Hours: Monday-Fridays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Counseling services at Waldorf provide assessment and referral to community counseling centers to assist with various personal problems that may interfere with a student’s emotional well-being, academic success or relationships. (The on-campus assessment is free, while the costs of referral sources are the student's responsibility.) Counseling appointments are scheduled through the Administrative Coordinator for Student Life (641.585.8160) in the Campus Center.

Health Services

Mary Mathiasen, B.A., R.N., University Nurse

  • Phone: 641.585.8157
  • Email:
  • Location: Campus Center Main Floor
  • Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday

Loaning of Equipment

Equipment such as crutches, heating pads, cold packs, etc., is available for your use, but it must be returned in good condition after use, or you will be charged the cost of replacing it.

Class Absences

Excuses from classes are issued ONLY by the instructors. The Health Service nurse issues NO excuses but will communicate with instructors regarding class absences due to illness/injury only if: (1) the nurse has personally seen the student; (2) a parent calls to report the illness/injury; (3) a student's care is under the direction of a physician.

In Case of an Extreme Emergency

Emergency service is available by calling the Forest City Ambulance Service at 911. Make sure to give them your precise location. Students may contact Health Services or Residence Life to inform them of what has happened.

EXTREME EMERGENCY includes those conditions in which seconds lost may mean death–such as choking, respiratory difficulties, unconsciousness, loss of pulse, severe shock, profuse bleeding, severe head injury, etc.

In case of emergency

CALL: Student Health Service Nurse. When the office is closed, consult an Area Coordinator or Resident Assistant who will contact professional help if necessary.

EMERGENCY includes those conditions in which treatment should not be delayed until regular office hours–such as lacerations that may require stitches, suspected appendicitis or severe abdominal distress, serious nosebleeds, high temperature, suspected fracture, etc.

STUDENTS HAVING A BAD DRUG EXPERIENCE of any nature may voluntarily approach the university nurse, Area Coordinator or university counselor for immediate aid without being subject to disciplinary action. Furthermore, those students who may have psychological problems as a result of drug abuse are encouraged to seek counseling assistance from these individuals.

Health Insurance

All full-time residential students at Waldorf University need health insurance. For information, inquire at the CIC or with the Insurance Coordinator, Mary Mathiasen, 641.585.8157).

Health Forms

To provide better care, ALL full-time residential students must submit and renew their health and insurance information annually through the Sportswear Website.

If you have never used Sportsware before, click the “Join Sportsware” button under the Athlete/Parent section. Then, enter the School ID: Waldorf and your contact information. After finishing the initial form, our health staff will receive and approve your request for your new account and email you with a confirmation that your new account is ready.

Upon entering your account, you will go to the main section of your Athlete Portal to input your information for the first time. There, it will tell you what forms you must upload (if any) and what sections of your profile are incomplete. Click on the blue forms and words to be sent to the areas that need your attention. If you need assistance, please contact Mary Mathiasen at

Campus Center Student Lounge

The student lounge is located in the Campus Center. It offers comfortable furniture, a television, a massage chair and gaming tables. There is also lounge space for students in the Atrium, Luise V. Hanson Library, the lower level of the campus center, the link walkway between Thorson and Salveson Hall, most faculty office suites and each residence hall.

Campus Dining

The office of the Director of Campus Dining is located in the Campus Center on the second floor, west end of the Dining Hall. The director can help arrange meal plans, picnics, dinners, special dietary needs and catering events. Off-campus groups may also make reservations with Conferences & Dining or use of the University’s dining facilities.

Meal Plans (see catalog for more information)

Warrior Bucks

Warrior Bucks work like cash without the hassle. Anyone can add Warrior Bucks to your account anytime, and they have no expiration date. Call the business office at 641.585.8135 to make arrangements.

Dining Locations

  • Gjellefald-Severson Dining Hall (Campus Center, second floor) offers all-you-can-eat traditional and international cuisine, salad bar, deli bar, desert bar, soup, daily made-to-order options and beverages.
  • Warrior Crossing (Atrium) offers a selection of espresso drinks, salads, cookies, sandwiches, grab-and-go items and bottled beverages for à la carte purchases.

Special Meals/Needs Information

  • Sick Trays: If you are ill and cannot come to the two dining venues, you may obtain a sick tray by presenting a sick tray approval slip secured by the nurse to the cashier.
  • Sack Lunches: These may be requested with 24 hours' notice and are available to students who cannot be present during a scheduled meal time because of work or other school-related obligations. They will contain two sandwiches, fruit, and dessert.
  • Special Dietary Needs: May be arranged directly between the student and the Director of Campus Dining.
  • Students or other campus organizations may arrange with Campus Dining to cater to University functions such as parties, banquets, and receptions. Reservations and other arrangements should be made directly with the Director of Campus Dining or their assistant and are subject to certain restrictions.

Dining Services Regulations

  • As with any food service, shoes and a shirt must be worn for admittance. Informal dress is fine for most meals. The food service staff will notify you if you are inappropriately dressed and may ask you to change before being admitted for a meal. Students should not enter the dining hall immediately following a practice or workout without showering.
  • Switching meal plans during a semester is not allowed outside the prescribed times.
  • ID cards are required to ensure that student meals are accounted for accurately. If you lose your ID card, you may obtain a replacement from the Business Office for a $25.00 charge.
  • All Dining areas are designated as non-smoking.
  • All food and beverages are to be consumed in and remain in the dining room. No exceptions will be made (unless having a sick tray slip).
  • China, silverware, cups, glasses and salt shakers are University property. Please leave them in the dining areas for everyone’s use.
  • Hours of operation are subject to change during school breaks. Revised hours can be found at one of the two food service operations or by email.

Waldorf Security

The University desires a living environment where students feel safe and secure. To this end, it employs Waldorf Security officers to supervise the campus, report ways to improve campus security and deal with incidents involving students’ safety and security. Please refer to the Waldorf website for further information.

Waldorf Security can be contacted at 641.585.8500.

The Waldorf Security Office is located on the main floor of the Campus Center.

Campus Information Center (CIC)

The Campus Center is a center for student activities on campus. It also provides Student Life offices, the Student Mail/Package Center, student activities, health services, counseling, dining facilities, the Art Room, meeting rooms and the Residence Life offices. The Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students serves as the Director of the Campus Center.

Policies and Rules of the Center

  1. General: Meetings in the Campus Center shall adjourn no less than fifteen minutes before the building's closing hours unless the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students has approved an extension in advance.
  2. Posting Notices: The Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students reserves the acceptability and placement right of all poster material and other announcements. Usually, only campus activities are publicized. All advertisements must be dated. See the daytime CIC operator or the Administrative Coordinator for Student Life from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. for permission to post items.
  3. Ticket Sales: The Campus Information Center desk in the main lobby is available for approved ticket sales and sign-ups. Arrangements should be made with the CIC supervisor.
  4. Selling: Outside individuals or groups may not solicit or sell in the Campus Center unless the Dean of Students gives permission (student group fundraising excemption).
  5. Decorations: These must be approved by the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students. Decorations are to be removed immediately following the event by the group putting them up.
  6. Children: The Campus Center is operated for faculty, alums, students and guests. An adult must accompany children who use its facilities.
  7. Lost and Found: Lost articles may be reclaimed at the CIC desk. The Center is not responsible for any articles left in the building.

Telephone Services

University Telephone Number: 641.585.2450

For emergency, dial 911 access from an on-campus phone.

Student Mailboxes

Location: Basement of the Campus Center

At the beginning of their first semester at Waldorf, students will be assigned a mailbox for mail. They will keep this mailbox until they leave the University. Packages that don’t fit the smaller mailbox will be distributed at the CIC desk during normal business hours. Students will be asked to show their Waldorf student ID and sign for the package. 

The Student Mail Center coordinator must grant permission to stuff all mailboxes with mass mail. Students are reminded that tampering with another person’s mail is a federal crime.

To send mail to a student address; 
Student name
(number of your box, for example, 126) 126 Campus Center
Forest City, IA 50436.

Be sure to check your mailbox weekly!

Mail will be sorted Mondays through Fridays by 3 p.m.

After the end of an academic year, only first-class mail will be forwarded to the student’s home.

Stamps and envelopes are sold in the Waldorf Bookstore.

Warrior Shop (Formerly the Bookstore)

Books and supplies (notebooks, pens, art supplies, etc.) may be purchased in the University-owned bookstore in Voss Hall, south of The Atrium. Stationery, banners, gift items, imprinted clothing and other items are also available for students' convenience. UPS services are also available.

Distribution, Sales and Equipment (Waldorf groups only)

Internal groups or individuals who wish to distribute or sell literature or merchandise or who wish to recruit students or seek membership or support for organizations shall be subject to the following regulations:

  1. All organizations or individuals desiring to recruit professionally on campus must register with the Administrative Coordinator for Student Life and be directed and approved by them.
  2. All campus-affiliated organizations or individuals desiring to sell merchandise or services on campus must request and gain approval from the organization’s faculty advisor and the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students at least five workdays before the event. 
  3. Non-campus affiliated organizations or individuals whose purpose is selling merchandise or services are prohibited from this activity on campus. The Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students will determine exceptions.
  4. All organizations or individuals desiring to distribute printed materials or establish a point of contact with students will clear their activities with the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students.

ID & Activity Tickets

During check-in and registration, students will be given a student ID that permits attendance at all athletic events, Forest City movies and other university activities at no cost, as well as special promotions at area businesses that are part of the Waldorf Community Connection program. Students should not loan their ID to anyone or lose it as it's a valuable item.

Lost and Found

If you lose or find something at Waldorf, report it to the Office of Student Life in the Campus Center.

Request Facilities Services/Repair Service

If your housing area needs repair, report it to your R.A. or Area Coordinator. Repairs will be made as soon as feasible. If you cannot reach your R.A. or Area Coordinator in a maintenance emergency, contact the Campus Information Center, which will contact Facilities Services.

Posting Policy

The sponsoring organization is responsible for preparing and posting posters for upcoming events and removing them when they expire. Posters are to be displayed on bulletin boards or approved posting areas only. They may not be affixed to glass, painted surfaces, wood, or the outside of any buildings. All postings should be appropriate, accurate and approved by the Office of Communications & Marketing.

Theft and Losses

The University does not insure and is not responsible for personal property lost, stolen or damaged in any area on campus. Student Life recommends property insurance to cover possible losses and information is provided upon check-in. To prevent theft, students should keep rooms and car doors locked. Students should also provide security for personal belongings by always locking their rooms and not leaving items (especially electronics) unattended. In the case of a theft, contact your R.A. or Area Coordinator. Please report even minor thefts.


Call Student Health Services at 641.585.8157 if you have an accident or notify your Area Coordinator. If neither can be reached, call the Campus on-call phone at 641.590.4318.

Entry, Search and Seizure

Waldorf University recognizes students' right to protection against unreasonable search and entry of their rooms. However, the quality of life in the residence halls is a proper aim of policy and practice at a university such as Waldorf, which is traditionally a residential school. To safeguard students' rights and ensure the quality of collegial life, Waldorf has instituted specific regulations governing entry, search/seizure in and of student rooms, and seizure of student property.

A university staff member may enter without prior notification for repair requests, maintenance, or assessment or when there is imminent danger to the health and welfare of students.

The Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students, Area Coordinators/Hall Managers and Waldorf Security are authorized to enter rooms when there is probable cause to think a University policy is being violated. Such persons shall knock and, if requested, identify themselves before entering. University officials can remove and discard student property, including dangerous weapons, fire hazards and illegal substances, and contact the local police as needed.

AnchorStudent Organizations and  Structure

Student Senate

The administration and management of the University are vested in the President of the University, under the supervision of the Board of Trustees. Although students cannot unilaterally determine or change institutional policy, they are encouraged to initiate and recommend proposed action toward these ends.

The Student Senate at Waldorf University allows students to participate in the governance and programming of student life and activities. Through these organizations, students can learn to work together for common goals and plan and organize specific areas of student life. The Student Senate accepts all students regardless of race, disability, gender, religion or sexual preference. Student Senate also serves as a point of origin for ideas and concerns in relationship to the total college community. The faculty and administration recognize requests from the Student Senate as meaningful and purposeful. Student Senate is an official communication channel between students, administration, and the Forest City community.

In addition to the Student Senate organization, students are selected to serve as members of committees. The Student Senate selects student members on certain committees.

Presenting a Petition or Concern

Students are encouraged to use their student organizations to communicate concerns or recommendations for change. Any student body member may request to be on the agenda to present ideas to members of these organizations for consideration. Students may request that items be placed on the agenda of Student Senate meetings through the president of the appropriate group. Student Senate meetings are open, and students may request to be heard. Living guideline changes are initiated with Residence Life and/or Student Senate.

Student Organization Recognition

All organized groups of three or more members are eligible to be recognized by the Student Senate and the University. The recognition process begins with an application to the Director of Student Activities or Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students, after which the application is forwarded to the Student Senate for consideration. The application shall include a proposed constitution, a statement of purpose and criteria for membership along with rules, regulations, typical activities and named advisor. A membership list shall not be required as a condition of institutional recognition.

The University guarantees that a recognized student organization benefits from the following rights:

  • To hold meetings and social events and reserve space on campus.
  • To use the name of the University in connection with publicity and marketing of activities.
  • To use the facilities of the University, such as buildings and equipment.
  • To list events on the appropriate university calendars.
  • To be recognized at the SEAL Awards.
  • To use the facilities of the Business Office as a banking service.
  • To request funds from the Student Senate.
  • To participate and compete in WinterFest and Warrior Cup for funding.
  • To fundraise on campus representing their group.

The responsibilities of a recognized student organization are:

  • To maintain an active and worthwhile student-centered program.
  • To schedule all meetings and organized events by contacting the Administrative Coordinator for Student Life (641.585.8160).
  • To deposit organization funds in the Business Office, maintain fiscal responsibility, and adhere to University rules, policies and standards.
  • To maintain a constitution and provide the Director of Student Activities with a list of current officers and advisor(s).

Campus organizations, including those affiliated with an external organization, shall be open to all students regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, creed, or national origin. Each organization shall be free to choose its advisor, and institutional recognition should not be withheld or withdrawn solely because of a student organization's inability to secure an advisor. Advisors may advise organizations of responsibility, but they should not have the authority to control the policy of such organizations.

The membership, policies, and actions of a student organization will be determined by a vote of only those persons who hold bona fide membership in the Waldorf University community; in the case of an organization based upon a consortium arrangement, the community shall be defined as consisting of the consortia schools.

Faculty/Staff Representatives

An organization selects an advisor to help them as a resource person. The advisor's responsibilities are to ensure that University policies and procedures are adhered to, attend as many of the organization's meetings as possible, and establish lines of communication with the Director of Student Activities and the Office of Student Life. The advisor must be an employee of the University. On rare occasions, the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students may approve a non-employee, Waldorf connected, advisor.

Financial Procedures

Organization members can approach Student Senate with budget requests twice a semester. An organization representative must submit the Student Senate Funding Request Form to the Senate’s Treasurer no later than noon the day before the Senate meeting so that it can be put on the agenda for the meeting. A representative from the organization must be present at the meeting to explain why the money is being requested. The Senate will vote on the request following a discussion with the representative. If secured, the organizations represented will work with the Senate Treasurer to appropriately allocate and spend the funds.

Reserving Facilities and Scheduling Events

Contact the Campus Information Center for procedures regarding reserving facilities and scheduling events.

Please see the catalog for more information on student organizations.

AnchorResidence Life

Residence Hall Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

Since a residence hall comprises a group of individuals in a “living-learning community,” everyone possesses certain rights and responsibilities that must be held in high regard. Mutual respect and consideration, coupled with awareness of and sensitivity to the needs of other individuals, must be the standard for group living. This statement is intended to suggest minimal expectations of rights and responsibilities of hall residents in actualizing their freedom without placing constraints upon such rights of other residents. The following is offered as a framework for discussion and consideration:

  • The right: to read, study or sleep free from undue interference in or around one’s room.
    The responsibility: to control noise and other distractions that inhibit another person's exercise of study or sleep.
  • The right: to recreation in or around the residence halls.
    The responsibility: to modify recreation so that it does not interfere with the rights and safety of others in or around the residence halls.
  • The right: to personal privacy.
    The responsibility: to respect the personal privacy of others in the residence halls. Also, it is important to recognize and respect the personal privacy of roommate(s). To acknowledge the guidelines set forth by the University.
  • The right: to a physical environment that is clean, healthy, safe and orderly.
    The responsibility: for the University to maintain such an environment and for the students to assist in this effort.
  • The right: to recourse according to prescribed judicial procedures against anyone who unduly infringes on one’s rights or property.
    The responsibility: to conduct oneself in a manner that does not infringe on the rights of others and to initiate action should the circumstances warrant.
  • The right: to participate in the process of self-governance, i.e., through the Student Senate or residence hall meetings. The responsibility: to be active in the process to ensure the voicing of one’s opinion or ideas.

Campus Community Living Guidelines

As an outgrowth of the values mentioned above, specific standards have been established to create an environment that encourages academic achievement and learning, personal well-being and value development when living on campus. Students are expected to conduct themselves as mature and responsible college community members. They are expected to comply with local, state and national laws and campus living guidelines. Violating civil codes renders students subject to civil authority and possibly university disciplinary action.

Living guidelines follow and apply to behavior on campus, at any university function or on any university trip and situations, violations or conflicts between or involving students on or off campus.

  • So that a safe environment may be maintained:
    • Do not tamper with fire prevention equipment or alarms or play with fire. (Violators will be reported to the police and/or fined.)
    • Vacate a building after a fire alarm sounds or at the direction of a school official.
    • Possess no weapons including, but not limited to, large swords, large knives )non-kitchen), hunting knives, guns, explosives, incendiary devices or fireworks, pellet or BB guns, taser devices or other devices deemed dangerous or inappropriate in the college setting.
  • Alcohol-Free Campus
    • Students 21 and over who are found in the presence of both alcohol and underage consumption and/or found to have contributed to underage drinking even though they were not present at the time will be presumed to have supplied said underage students with alcohol. Exemptions to this policy are allowed, which include approved waivers for special events that the administration approves:
  • So that opportunities for healthy social relationships, floor cohesiveness and consideration for roommates may be provided:
    • All other residence halls do not have time restraints for visitation. However, before visitors arrive on campus, residents must register guests with their RA and AC. Guests can only stay in residents’ rooms five nights per month.
    • Sudents should communicate and agree with their roommate about overnight guest arrangements.
  • So that the security and condition of students and University property are maintained:
    • Respect university property and others’ property. Do not steal or vandalize property or use University property illegally.
    • Do not abuse computer resources. (See Computer Use Policy.)
    • University keys may not be duplicated or used without authorization.
    • Only authorized entry is allowed to any room, building, office or workspace.
    • Use university issued identification cards properly.
    • Do not throw food or other items in the cafeteria or other areas on campus.
    • Water balloons and water fights are not permitted inside buildings.
    • Pellet, bb, splat, air soft or other such “toy” guns can harm, resemble real weapons and are not allowed and may result in immediate suspension.
    • Hall sports of any kind are not permitted unless approved under special circumstances. Fines for damage to University property may be applicable.
  • Students must adhere to all policies and procedures mentioned in the Housing Contract. Contracts are updated annually, and students receive a copy when checking in at the beginning of the year. Failure to adhere to any policies and procedures mentioned in the contract can lead to disciplinary action and/or administrative charges.
  • To keep the halls safe, students are to:
    • Not possess any open coil devices or machines that produce large amounts of heat. These include but are not limited to, toasters, toaster/pizza ovens, griddles, hot plates, space heaters and halogen lamps. The building’s AC will keep any violation until the student can remove it from the hall.
    • Not possess live Christmas trees. They are not allowed; artificial trees must be fire-resistant.
    • Not possess fog machines, deep-fat fryers, electric skillets, electric woks, barbecue grills, large power tools, etc.
    • All cords should be UL or ETL-approved, no longer than six feet, and should not be placed across aisles, wrapped around metal fixtures or furniture, run through doorways, or under carpet or bedding (covered cords capture heat and can result in fire), or be cracked or worn.
    • Students who use syringes for medical reasons (they must provide documentation) must use a sharp disposal container (one can be obtained through the Nurse’s office).
    • Candles and incense are not allowed in campus housing. A $15.00 fine will be assessed for each candle and incense found and confiscated. Candles will not be returned.
    • Fuse boxes and the fuses inside are not to be tampered with or touched. Only university employees are allowed to have access to the fuses.
  • To help the environment and conserve energy, students are asked:
    • Only one microwave is allowed in a room to avoid blown fuses.
    • Only one small freezer and one 4 cu. ft. refrigerator per room. No full-size freezers or refrigerators allowed.
    • To not bring air conditioners, large ovens, large refrigerators, freezers, and pizza ovens.
    • Personal air conditioners are not allowed unless approved for disability reasons. Violations will result in confiscation until the student can remove the items from the hall.
  • To help secure the privacy of residents and guests:
    • Common area floor bathrooms at Waldorf are either gender-specific or unisex. 
  • To help students and their organizations publicize their events:
    • All advertisements must be approved to be posted in the residence halls. Approval is unnecessary for university staff, students working under university staff (i.e., S.W.A.T. members and RAs), and Student Senate. Approval can be granted by the AC of the building or the Office of Student Life, and any violation of university policy must not be advertised.
  • To keep the halls clean and safe:
    • Bike racks are provided outside each residence hall. Bikes may not be stored in lounges, hallways, stairways, or other indoor public areas.
    • Students are not allowed to paint their rooms, make holes in walls, or make any other permanent changes to the room.
    • Students cannot make permanent changes to their residence halls unless Residence Life grants approval.
    • No animals, except for fish, small crabs, small lizards or approved creature (no large reptiles) in a tank of less than 10 gallons, are allowed in the residence halls unless a service dog is being used.
    • Fire doors are to be used only in an emergency. They cannot be used as regular doors and should never be propped open.
    • Residence Life will conduct room health and safety inspections each semester.

In addition, an AC may choose to impose additional educational sanctions and precautions to ensure that further violations do not occur and that safety is not compromised.


Residents are responsible for any damages, lost property, or unnecessary service costs caused to the residence halls through accident, neglect, or intent by themselves or a guest. When more than one resident occupies the same room, and the university cannot ascertain responsibility for the damage or loss, the cost of damage or loss will be divided and assessed equally among the room residents. When it cannot be ascertained who caused the damage in the common area of a residence hall, the common area damages shall be divided and assessed equally amongst the residents of the floor or hall.

Residence Hall Room Consolidation

To secure housing for every student and to ensure that students who desire specific living arrangements have their needs met, students who do not have a roommate but do not wish to pay for a single may be assigned to move in with a different resident or be assigned a roommate. This is done to acquire singles for those students who wish to have singles and are willing to pay for them. This process will involve notifying those students possessing unpaid singles to give them a chance to purchase the single or acquire a roommate. After a notification period of no less than five days, the students who have not purchased singles or found roommates will be notified of the need for them to move to an assigned room. Moves will be determined by class rank and GPA. After the moves have been completed, the student body will be notified of the availability of single rooms. This process will be conducted at the beginning of each semester and throughout the semester as needed.

Housing Residency Requirement

All full-time students must live on campus and be on a board plan except those who:

  • are married,
  • have children,
  • are living with parents at the parent’s permanent home address and commute within a 35-mile radius,
  • have transferred in and have not lived on campus for two or more years, or
  • are aged 21 years old as of the set date in fall and spring beginning of semester .

Married student housing is available upon request. Please contact Residence Life at for more information.

Students dishonest about the above criteria will incur room charges (100%) for each semester.

Housing Contracts

If there is a discrepancy between the Handbook and the Housing Contract, the Housing Contract will be used as the primary source for policy enforcement.


Waldorf University permits student vehicle use and has adequate student parking spaces in the lots, as shown in this Handbook. All residential students must purchase a parking permit to park in a Waldorf University parking lot. The permit and other college fees are available from the Business Office and may change without notice. Compliance with this regulation, as with other regulations, is indicated by the student's signature on the application for vehicle registration.

Permits are required to park in any Waldorf University parking lot and may be purchased for $75 or $100 for the academic year or $75 for one semester. Parking permits are non-refundable. Current students may reserve their parking space each spring; new students will be awarded spaces over the summer.

Parking permit colors are as assigned:

  • Red Lot 
  • Purple Lot 
  • Green Lot 
  • Blue Lot – (Timberland and Commuter students only)
  • Admissions Lot – 20-minute parking zone only

Permit Regulations:

  • If more than one vehicle is used during the school year, a parking permit must be purchased for each vehicle. Additional permits are $5.
  • The parking permit must be placed in the rear window on the lower left side. Failure to display the permit carries a fine of $50.
  • Vehicles must be registered with the Office of Student Life within 24 hours of being brought to the campus.
  • Vehicles must be parked in the designated lot based on permit color.

Parking Violations:

  • Vehicles without permits or with the wrong color permit will be ticketed. The fine is $20.
  • Parking in handicapped spaces is prohibited unless the student possesses a handicap sticker. Violators may be towed without notice, and the fine is $100.
  • Parking fines are due and payable to either the Office of Student Life or the Business Offices within two weeks. Students bear all collection costs.
  • Parking is a privilege. Students may lose it if they are issued more than ten tickets in one semester.
  • The University reserves the right to remove any vehicle operated or parked in violation of University regulations. The vehicle's owner will be required to pay the cost of towing, impounding and storage of such vehicles.
  • A vehicle immobilizer (wheel boot) may be used in instances of continuous parking regulation violations. The student will be charged a $40 fine if one is used.
  • In the case of a snow emergency, students will be notified via email with instructions on where to move their vehicles from student parking lots for snow removal. Any vehicles violating snow removal policies will be subject to ticketing.

Student parking is prohibited in the following areas:

  • Admissions Visitor parking lot located off of South 6th Street and south of Thorson Hall
  • Staff/Faculty/Visitor parking lot located south of Campus Center
  • Courthouse parking lot, unless the student has business there
  • Senior Citizen parking lot on the corner of North 7th and West J Streets
  • Athletico parking lot, unless the student is a patron
  • Area Coordinator & RA parking stalls
  • Maintenance & Facilities parking stalls
  • Handicap parking stalls unless the student has a handicap sticker or medical need
  • Any “No Parking Zone” on campus
  • University Nurse/Food Service parking stalls located west of Campus Center
  • Any grass areas on campus

Students parking in any of the areas listed above will be charged a $20 fine. Any student issued three or more parking tickets will have their vehicle immobilized. Appeals for parking tickets must be in writing for review.

Streets on and near campus are city streets are subject to both university and city regulations and ticketing. The city and the university do not permit overnight parking on streets on or near campus. Additionally, students are reminded they must abide by city snow removal and other regulations.

Please contact the Office of Student Life for more information.

AnchorCode of Student Conduct

A. Introduction

Waldorf University is committed to maintaining a community environment that supports learning, academic achievement, social development, moral and spiritual growth, emotional well-being, leadership, service, involvement and individual discipline. Waldorf campus community members are responsible for upholding the values of human dignity and world respect and are expected to meet these standards:

  • To exhibit conduct appropriate to a learning environment and to respect the rights, dignity, and worth of every individual in the Waldorf Community.
  • To be honest and to be considerate.
  • To maintain acceptable standards of academic performance.
  • To show appropriate concern for one’s personal development.
  • To be a responsible member of the Waldorf Community and to accept responsibility for one’s behavior (and guest) at all times.
  • To demonstrate proper care and regard for University facilities, property and equipment.
  • To comply with university policies, regulations, and local, state, and federal law.

Students, student groups, teams, and organizations are required to abide by the stipulations of this Code. Students are also responsible for the behavior of their guests and may be held accountable for the actions of guests who violate the provisions of this Code. The purpose of issuing disciplinary regulations is to give students general notice of impermissible behavior.

Waldorf University reserves the right to take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of the campus community. Generally, the Code of Student Conduct applies to incidents involving students on university property or at university-sponsored or supervised events. When the University is notified, the Dean of Students or conduct designee may determine that acts prohibited by the Code of Student Conduct but not committed on University premises could also be grounds for disciplinary action. Such acts include, but are not limited to, drug trafficking offenses, major alcohol-related problems and acts or threats of violence against persons.

B. Prohibited Conduct

Any student found to have committed one or more of the following acts of prohibited conduct may be subject to disciplinary sanctions. Attempts to commit acts impermissible by the code may be subject to disciplinary action to the same extent as completed violations.

  • Acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to:
    • Cheating, plagiarism or other acts of academic dishonesty.
    • Furnishing false or misleading information to the university or any university official; misrepresenting information to the University or any University official.
    • Giving false testimony, falsifying, distorting, or misrepresenting information related to grievance or disciplinary matters.
    • Deceit, fraud, distortion of the truth, or improper use of another’s effort to gain advantage.
    • Forgery, alteration, counterfeiting, mutilating, accessing without authorization or misuse of documents, records or instruments of identification including, but not limited to, identification cards, personal identification numbers (PIN), electronic mail access codes or passwords, computerized records, transcripts, athletic passes, course registrations, and receipts.
    • Initiating or causing any false report, warning, threat of fire, explosion, false fire alarm, bomb threat, or any other emergency.
    • Tampering with the election of any organization.
  • Obstruction, disruption and/or interference with, or attempts to obstruct, disrupt, and/or interfere with teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, studying, public speaking, business operations, fire, police or emergency services, sporting events or other University activities, including public service functions on University property or at University sponsored or supervised activities, including, but not limited to:
    • Disruption, obstruction or interference with or attempts to obstruct, disrupt or interfere with another student’s right to study, learn, or complete assignments, including, but not limited to, destroying, preventing, or limiting access to information or records used by another student in connection with the University responsibilities;
    • Disruption, obstruction, or interference with educational activities in classrooms, lecture halls, campus library, laboratories, theatres, sport or any other place where education and teaching activities take place, including, but not limited to, engaging in loud or distracting behaviors, displaying defiance or disrespect of others, or threatening another individual.
  • Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidations, harassment, sexual contact without permission, stalking, coercion, forced consumption of liquor, drugs or other conduct directed at a specific person which threatens the health and safety of any person or seriously alarms or intimidates another person. Such conduct may include, but is not limited to:
    • Explicit or implicit threats, including gestures or communications that place a person or student group in reasonable apprehension or unwelcome physical contact, harm or death;
    • Unwanted sexual contact of any kind or threat of such contact. Sexual contact will be considered unwanted or without consent if no clear consent is freely given, if inflicted through force or threat of force or if inflicted upon a person who is unconscious or otherwise without the physical or mental capacity to consent;
    • Stalking, following or unwanted communication to a person repeatedly;
    • Defamation of character, slander or starting rumors of a student, employee or guest;
    • Making remarks which are by common usage lewd or obscene or that can reasonably be expected to have a tendency to cause major disrespect, disruption or acts of violence to the person(s) to whom the remark is made;
    • Unwanted hateful or harassing communications or postings on social networks or using electronic or digital devices.
    • Any form of retaliation by an individual, or group/club/team/student organization that initiates retaliation against an individual or group or other entity before, during or after an incident that involves the following:

      1-Threats, inciting violence, harassment, intimidation, rumor spreading, inappropriate threatening or intimidating communication, social and electronic media content including actions listed above directed toward another group or individual

      2-Any individual or individuals that are responsible for inciting and encouraging/influencing their associates (group, club, organization or team members, floor members) or others to act against another student or student group in a harmful way because of a response or retaliation of a situation, incident or happening.

  • Attempted or actual theft of, damage to, destruction of, or misuse of University property, or the services or property of a member of the University community, or other personal or public property. Possession of stolen property or unauthorized possession of University property or the property of a member of the University community.
  • Failure to comply with the direction of University officials/Residence Life Staff, including campus security, acting in the performance of their duties, and/or failure to identify oneself to these persons when asked to do so.
  • Unauthorized possession, duplication, or use of keys or fobs/cards/ID to any University facility or premises or unauthorized presence, entry to, or use of University facilities or premises including, but not limited to, camping, building a fire, or use of an unauthorized heating, cooking or electrical device.
  • Violation of any Waldorf University policy, rule, or regulation published in hard copy or available electronically on the Waldorf website.
  • Violation of any federal, state, or local law.
  • Use, possession, manufacturing, or distribution of marijuana, heroin, narcotics, prescription pills or other illegal controlled substances except as expressly permitted by law.
  • Use, possession, manufacturing or sale/distribution of alcoholic beverages or public intoxication on campus. Alcoholic beverages may not, in any circumstances, be used by, possessed by, or distributed to any person under twenty-one (21) years of age.
  • Possession, even if it is legally possessed, of any weapon, device, bb/pellet/air soft/splat/stun gun or like instrument, material or substance which, under the circumstances in which it is used, attempted to be used or threatened to be used, is readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury.
  • Participation in a gathering or assembly that disrupts the normal operations of the University or infringes on the rights of other members of the University community, or leading or inciting others to disrupt scheduled or routine activities on University premises or at University-sponsored or supervised functions.
  • Obstruction or disruption interfering with freedom of movement, either pedestrian or vehicular, on University property or at University-sponsored or supervised events.
  • Conduct that is disorderly, lewd, or indecent; breach of peace; aiding, abetting, or finding another to breach the peace on University property or at University-sponsored functions. Unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make an audio or video record of any person while on University premises without his/her prior knowledge when such a recording is likely to cause injury or distress. This includes but is not limited to, taking pictures of another person in a gym, locker room or restroom or distribution of inappropriate images without prior consent.
  • Theft or abuse of the computer facilities and resources, including, but not limited to:
    • Use of another’s identification or password;
    • Use of computing facilities or resources to interfere with the work of another student, faculty, or staff member;
    • Use of computers/phones/electronic devices to stalk; to view or send hurtful, threatening, abusive, or obscene messages;
    • Engaging in acts of theft of computers, theft of data, or illegal file sharing;
    • Unauthorized entry to a file to use, read or change the contents or for any other purpose; improper or unauthorized access to University computer files and systems;
    • Unauthorized alteration, disclosure, disruption, and destruction of University computer files and systems;
    • Unauthorized transfer of a file(s);
    • Using computing facilities and resources in violation of copyright or proprietary laws;
    • Unauthorized sending of all campus or mass emails to the campus community.
  • Illegal gambling or wagering.
  • Hazing is defined as an act that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student or group of students or which destroys public or private property for the purposes of initiation, shaming, admission to, affiliation with or as a condition of continued membership with a group or organization. The express or implied consent of the victim will not be a defense. Apathy and acquiescence in the presence of hazing are not neutral acts; they violate this rule.
  • Misusing, damaging or tampering with fire extinguishers, alarms, smoke detectors or fire safety equipment.
  • Smoking, vaping, chewing or any tobacco/nicotine/illegal substance use on the University/campus premises, functions or in university vehicles.
  • Littering on the University facilities and premises.
  • Setting fires or creating an open flame without prior authorization.
  • Bringing an animal not trained to assist persons with disabilities into buildings, bringing unleashed or unlicensed animals on university-owned or controlled property, and leaving any animal on campus unattended.
  • Knowingly violating the terms of any disciplinary sanction imposed by this Code.
    • Failure to appear at a disciplinary conference or hearing when requested.
    • Falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation of information.
    • Disruption of or interference with disciplinary proceedings.
    • Attempting to influence, harass, or intimidate a member of the Campus Hearing Board or university investigator before, during, and/or after a disciplinary proceeding.
  • Aiding or abetting other individuals in an unlawful act or violating any University regulations.
  • Students present during the occurrence of any infraction or violation of local, state or federal regulations may be considered to be in violation.
  • Guest behavior that violates the Code of Conduct. All students are responsible for the actions of their guests and/or people in their room/vehicle.
  • Solicitation or selling products on campus without the approval of the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students.

C. Violations of the Law and University Discipline

Students may be accountable to civil authorities and the University for acts that constitute violations of the law and of this Code. University disciplinary procedures will normally progress during the pendency of civil or criminal proceedings or any other University proceedings regarding the same conduct. Procedures in this Code may be carried out before, simultaneously with, or following civil or criminal proceedings. Accused students may not challenge the University disciplinary proceedings on the grounds that criminal charges are pending or have been terminated, dismissed, reduced, or not yet adjudicated.

When a student is charged by federal, state, or local authorities with a violation of the law, the University will not request or agree to special consideration for the individual because of his or her status as a student. Suppose the alleged offense is also being processed under the Code of Student Conduct. In that case, the University may advise off-campus authorities of the existence of the Student Code and how such matters are typically handled within the University community. The University will attempt to cooperate with law enforcement and other agencies in enforcing criminal law on campus and in conditions imposed by the criminal courts to rehabilitate student violators (provided that the conditions do not conflict with campus regulations or sanctions). The University will refer matters to federal and/or state authorities for prosecution when appropriate. Individual students and other members of the University community, acting in their capacities, remain free to interact with governmental authorities as they deem appropriate.

D. Sanctions

One or more of the following disciplinary measures or consequences, also called sanctions, may be imposed for violating this Code. In deciding upon a sanction, the adjudicator or Campus Hearing Board/Ad Hoc Committee will consider relevant factors, including the nature and degree of the offense, the severity of any damage, injury or harm resulting from the offense, the student’s current demeanor or cooperation, and past history and disciplinary record. The sanctions listed below may be enhanced with additional conditions deemed appropriate by the disciplinary authority.

  • Warning - Notice, orally or in writing, that the continuation or repetition of prohibited behavior may be cause for additional disciplinary action.
  • Disciplinary Probation - A written reprimand specifying the violation for which the student is responsible. Students on disciplinary probation are not considered in good standing with the University. Probation is for a designated period and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary action if the student is found to violate any University policy during the probationary period.
  • Discretionary Educational Assignments - Written apologies, work assignments, program planning, community service, service to the University, or research assignments, etc.
  • Fines - A sum of money imposed as a penalty.
  • Referrals - Students may be required and/or referred to counseling, rehabilitation, other offices, agencies or programs for assessment, guidance, and service. Students are responsible for any payment associated with the referral.
  • Restitution - Compensation to the University or individuals for loss, damage, injury, etc. Such compensation may be appropriate service, monetary replacement and/or material replacement.
  • Restrictions or Loss of Privileges - Denial of certain privileges for a specified period. Examples: removal from a living area or activity group, student organization, varsity sports organization or specific facility, restriction or ban from entering an area on campus, confiscation or closing a computer account.
  • Parental Notification - In a case deemed appropriate, the University has the discretion and reserves the right to contact parents regarding an incident.
  • Residence Unit Suspension—Separation from the residence halls, apartments, or theme houses for a specified period of time, after which the student may be eligible to return. Students will be responsible for room and board payments as outlined in the Contract; conditions for readmission may be specified. Room and meal charges may also apply.
  • Residence Unit Expulsion - Permanent separation and restriction from the residence halls, apartments, or theme houses. As the Contract outlines, students may be held responsible for room and board payments.
  • Temporary Suspension - The Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students may suspend a student or a guest of a student from class, campus facilities, University premises and/or University-sponsored functions and activities, etc., for an interim period pending disciplinary or criminal proceedings or medical evaluation.
    • The interim suspension shall be immediately effective with no prior notice when there is evidence that the student's presence at the University poses an immediate threat to him or herself, threat and disruption to others, or threat to the stability and continuation of standard University operations.
    • A student suspended on an interim basis shall be given a prompt opportunity to appear personally before the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students or conduct designee to discuss the reliability of the information related to the student's conduct, the reliability of the information concerning the student's identity, and if the conduct and related circumstances reasonably show that the continued presence of the student on University premises poses an immediate threat to the student, to others, or the stability and continuation of standard University operations.
  • Separation or suspension from the University for a specified period. Conditions for readmission may be specified.
  • University Expulsion - Permanent separation of the student from the University. Students subject to expulsion or suspension from the University will be entitled to a hearing before the Conduct Disgnee or Campus Hearing Board. Students subject to lesser sanctions for non-academic misconduct will be entitled to a disciplinary conference with an individual adjudication. Campus disciplinary proceedings are designed to provide a fair evaluation of the student’s responsibility for violating University regulations. Formal rules of evidence shall not be applied, nor shall deviations from prescribed procedures necessarily invalidate a decision.

E. Discipline & Student Conduct Violation Process

  • Filing a Report - Any person may file a report against a student, guest, employee, group, or organization suspected of violating the Code. A report shall be made in writing and should be directed to the on-line web incident report form, Area Coordinator or Residence Life Staff Member, Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students or designee.
  • The person filing the report is typically expected to participate in the disciplinary process, answer questions related to the incident and present relevant information in investigations, conferences or hearings.
  • Preliminary Review - The Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students or conduct designee will conduct an initial review to determine whether the report of alleged misconduct has merit and/or if it can be resolved by mutual consent/mediation of the persons or on a basis acceptable to the adjudicator. Suppose the report has merit and cannot be resolved by mutual consent/mediation. In that case, the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students or conduct designee may participate in any subsequent disciplinary meeting or hearing to resolve the matter. The Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students or back-up designee reserves the right to refer the case to any University official or group other than the Campus Hearing Board as deemed appropriate.
  • The conduct designee will conduct a preliminary review to determine whether the alleged misconduct is minor or severe and might result in immediate action, suspension or expulsion from the University. The conduct designee will also determine whether the accused student disputes the facts that form the basis of the complaint. Accused students not subject to suspension or expulsion and not denying the facts to the report are entitled to an informal disciplinary meeting. Accused students subject to residence unit expulsion, suspension, or expulsion and disputing the facts of the complaint are entitled to a hearing before the Campus Hearing Board. The Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students reserves the right to refer the case to any University official or group other than the Campus Hearing Board.
  • Waiving the Right to a Hearing—Students referred for a hearing may defer proceedings and choose to have their cases resolved by an individual disciplinary meeting, especially designated for cases where the student takes full responsibility and accountability for their action and violations. Such a choice must be in writing, affirming that the student is aware a hearing is being waived and that the full range of sanctions, including suspension or expulsion from the University, may be imposed.
  • Disciplinary Meeting - Students accused of non-academic offenses that may result in sanctions less than suspension or expulsion are subject to a disciplinary meeting. The following procedural protections are provided to accused students in disciplinary meetings:
    • Written notice of the specific charges at least two (2) days before the scheduled disciplinary meeting.
    • Reasonable access to the case file before and during the disciplinary meeting.
    • An opportunity to respond to the report and to present relevant and necessary witnesses or other evidence.
    • An opportunity to be assisted by an advisor of the University community and the student’s choice and at the student's own expense. Advisors are not permitted to speak or participate in the meeting. Advisors may not appear instead of the accused student. No attorneys, legal counsel or family members are allowed to be part of the University disciplinary meetings, hearings or proceedings.
    • Written notification of the determination, including any sanctions.
  • Composition of the Campus Hearing Board - Students accused of non-academic offenses that may result in suspension, expulsion, or expulsion from an on-campus living unit are entitled to a hearing before the Campus Hearing Board.
    • The Campus Hearing Board shall consist of three students and two faculty/staff members. A quorum shall consist of three members. Student Life shall be responsible for training and providing administrative support to the Campus Hearing Board.
    • An ad hoc hearing board may be established by the Dean of Students or conduct designee whenever the regular board is not constituted, cannot obtain a quorum, or cannot hear a case. An ad hoc hearing board shall comprise at least three members, including at least one student.
    • The findings and the sanctions determined by the Campus Hearing Board shall be regarded as the recommendation to the decision makers.
    • Members of the Campus Hearing Board who are charged with a violation of this Code or with a criminal offense may be suspended from their positions by the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students or conduct designee.
  • Hearing Procedures - The following procedures are followed in disciplinary hearings:
    • The accused student will receive email notification of the hearing date and the specific alleged act(s) of misconduct at least three days prior to the hearings.
      • Accused students will be afforded reasonable access to the case file which will be retained in the Office of Student Life.
      • The student has an opportunity to be assisted by an advisor (Waldorf Community Member) of the student's choice and at the student’s own expense. Advisors are not permitted to speak or participate in the meeting. Advisors may not appear in lieu of the accused student. The work of the Campus Hearing Board will not, as a general practice, be delayed or rescheduled due to the unavailability of an advisor.
    • The Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students or conduct designee is responsible for coordinating the hearing.
    • The Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students or conduct designee will appoint a CHB member as chairperson. The chairperson shall conduct the hearing. The chairperson may participate in Board decisions and deliberations and may vote.
    • On a date specified, the accused student will submit the names of witnesses for the hearing, a summary of the information each witness is expected to provide, and any documents the student filing the report and the accused student expect to present at the hearing. Copies of the information will be available to the person filing the report, the accused student, and the Campus Hearing Board before the hearing.
    • The chairperson may request relevant witnesses after consultation with the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students or conduct designee. University students and employees are expected to comply with requests issued as a part of disciplinary proceedings unless compliance would result in significant or unavoidable personal hardship or substantial interference with normal University activities.
    • Accused students who fail to appear at the hearing will be seen as having pled “not responsible” to the allegations pending against them. A hearing will be conducted in their absence, as necessary, and a decision will follow.
    • The chairperson will exercise control over the hearing. The chairperson may exclude any person, including the accused student, who disrupts a hearing.
    • Hearings shall be conducted in private.
    • Legal counsel, attorneys or family members are not allowed in student conduct meetings or hearings.
    • Accused students may speak on their behalf. They will not be forced to speak against themselves, and their silence will not be used to their disadvantage.
    • The individual filing the report, the accused student, and the Campus Hearing Board may examine the information accepted by the chairperson and may ask questions of all witnesses and complainants.
    • Witnesses will be asked to verify that their testimony is truthful, and they may be charged with violating the Code by providing false information to the University.
    • The chairperson will determine what information the Campus Hearing Board will consider. At the chairperson's discretion, pertinent records, exhibits, and written statements may be accepted as evidence for consideration by the Campus Hearing Board. Witnesses other than the individual filing the report and the accused student may be excluded from the testimony of other witnesses.
    • After the hearing, the Campus Hearing Board shall determine by majority vote whether the accused student has violated each section of the Code that the student is charged with the campus violation. All parties will be excluded during Board deliberations, which will not be recorded or transcribed.
    • Violations will be determined based on clear and convincing standard of proof that the accused student violated the Code. Formal rules of evidence shall not apply.
    • Sanction recommendations of the Campus Hearing Board will be by majority vote.
    • Within three (3) days of the hearing, the Campus Hearing Board will submit their decision in writing to the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students or conduct designee and they will advise the accused student of his or her decision in writing.

F. Decision Process

A decision by the Campus Hearing Board is the recommendation to the Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students. Accused student(s) will be provided copies of the Board’s decision by personal delivery, campus mail, or by certified mail to the last address provided by the student to the University and given three (3) business days to provide written comments to the conduct designee before a final decision is made.

The imposition of sanctions will be deferred for the duration of review unless, at the discretion of the conduct designee, the continued presence of the student on the campus poses a significant threat to him/herself or others, or the stability and continuance of normal University functions.

G. Mediation

Mediation is encouraged as an alternative means to resolve many disciplinary cases. The Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students or conduct designee shall inform those filing reports and accused students about the availability of mediation resources. Student Life may decline to process a complaint until the parties in a non-academic minor misconduct case reasonably attempt to achieve a mediated agreement. Student Life will make arrangements for proper mediation to occur in the correct safe setting (or alternatives) with ground rules so all parties feel the process is comfortable and fair. To be binding in a disciplinary case, the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students or conduct designee must approve any mediated agreement.

H. Student Groups, Teams and Organizations

Student groups, teams, and organizations may be charged with violations of this Code. A student group, team, or organization may be held collectively and individually responsible for violations by those associated with the group or organization or by those who have received the consent or encouragement of the group or organization’s leaders or officers. The Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students may direct the officers or leaders of any group or organization to prevent or end violations of this Code by the group or organization. Failure to make reasonable efforts to comply with the request may be considered a violation of this Code.

I. Transcript Encumbrances

The Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students typically places a temporary encumbrance on the student's records for the duration of cases that may result in suspension or expulsion.

J. Disciplinary Files and Records

Discipline sanctions other than suspension and expulsion will not be part of the permanent academic record. Still, they will become part of the student’s disciplinary record in the Office of Student Life. Conduct not involving the imposition of sanctions other than suspension and expulsion shall be removed from the student’s disciplinary record after seven years.

K. Revocation of Degrees

The University reserves the right to revoke an awarded degree for fraud in the receipt of the degree or serious disciplinary violations committed by a student before the student’s graduation.

L. Interpretation and Revision

The Code of Student Conduct shall be reviewed annually under the direction of the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students. Any question or interpretation of its application shall be referred to the Office of Student Life/Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students or his or her designee. Keeping with normal University policy approval processes, the Code of Student Conduct may be amended without prior notice.

M. Appeals Process

Students may appeal a student conduct incident, policy violation, or violation of the law follow up decision made by Student Life, a Student Life conduct officer or the Campus Hearing Board. Appeals may be made via email to the Administrative Coordinator for Student Life. Appeals should be made within three business days or 72 hours from the time and date of the decision letter received. Appeals may be revied by a new composed Campus Hearing Appeal Board, the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students or Conduct Designee depending on any conflict of interest or staff involved in the original student conduct case and/or level of the violation. Appeals are reviewed on the following criteria. If the appeal does not meet the standard of the criteria below, the request for an appeal process to be reviewed will be denied based on not meeting the standard criteria.

  • Significant due process procedures were not followed
  • New evidence is being presented or provided that would likely change the outcome of the original decision
  • The original outcome or decision is clearly not a reasonable or fair decision in that the decision and outcome was either unreasonable harsh or unreasonably lenient. “reasonable person standard”

AnchorRegistering a Complaint 

Waldorf University takes pride in providing our students with service. From time to time, students may have questions concerning policies or practices. Generally, there are logical explanations for situations, and usually, most questions can be resolved in an informal setting through direct discussion with the individual or office involved. When a student raises a question about a policy or decision, the affected staff or faculty member may respond. If resolving a matter through direct discussion is impossible, a student may appeal for further consideration by registering a complaint.

Registering a Complaint with Waldorf University Waldorf University is committed to providing high-quality academic programs and services for students and encourages students to contact the University if there is cause for concern regarding academic or non-academic matters. A complaint is defined as dissatisfaction occurring when a decision, act, or condition, based upon specific factual data, affects the student in a perceived negative or unjust manner; furthermore, an allegation of improper, unfair, arbitrary, or discriminatory treatment by university personnel.

Residential students who wish to register an academic complaint may contact Waldorf University's Vice President for Academic Affairs at 800.292.1903. Complaints should be sent in writing to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Waldorf University, 106 S. 6th St., Forest City, IA 50436, to clarify the student's concerns.

Residential students who wish to register a non-academic complaint may contact Waldorf University's Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students at 641.585.8160 or by email at, where an incident report/complaint form may be completed and reviewed for follow-up.

Online program students who wish to file an academic or non-academic complaint may contact their assigned Student Services Representative at 877.267.2157 for assistance. To clarify the student's concerns, complaints should be sent to OR the Student Services Department, Waldorf University, 106 S. 6th St., Forest City, IA 50436.

Contact information for registering a complaint with the accrediting agencies should be provided only after the student has registered a complaint with Waldorf University and has not received a response to the request for resolution.

Accrediting Agency

Higher Learning Commission 230 South. LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500 Chicago, IL 60604-1411

Registering a Complaint with Iowa

Students may file a complaint with the Iowa College Student Aid Commission by calling 877.272.4456 toll-free or submitting the online Student Dispute Resolution form.

AnchorAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Abuse (ATODA) Information

Policy on Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs

Waldorf University is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning environment free of illicit drugs and the unlawful use or abuse of alcohol. The University recognizes that the use or consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs can adversely impact academic achievement, personal development, health, and safety. Individuals who violate University policy and local, state, or federal regulations are subject to arrest and/or disciplinary sanctions including, but not limited to, required assessment, treatment, restrictions, fines, educational assignments, or expulsion.

Alcohol*, Tobacco and Other Drug Policies

The Waldorf University Code of Student Conduct includes the following as prohibited behaviors:

  1. Public intoxication or use, possession, manufacturing, or distribution of alcoholic beverages except expressly permitted by law or the University regulations.
  2. Alcoholic beverages may not,  be used by, possessed by, or distributed to any person under 21 years of age. 21 & older exceptions do apply.
  3. Use, possession, sale, manufacturing or distribution of marijuana, heroin, narcotics, or other controlled substances, except as expressly permitted by law.
  4. Waldorf University is a tobacco- and nicotine-free campus. No use, sale or distribution of tobacco or nicotine products is allowed in University facilities, on University grounds, at University-sponsored events, or in University vehicles.
  5. Violation of any federal, state, or local law.

These stipulations are University policy and local, state, and federal laws:

  • Individuals and groups are responsible for and will be held accountable for their choices and behaviors related to alcohol and other drugs. If an individual or group exhibits alcohol and/or drug intoxication and/or unruly behavior, the individual and/or group may be sanctioned for both the intoxication and the disruptive behavior.
  • Alcohol is not permitted by students or guests in residence halls, individual units, campus buildings, or on campus grounds. Exception for Timberland Apartments for those of age.
  • Serving alcohol to students is prohibited on Waldorf property and at university-sponsored events. Exceptions for approved events for of age students.
  • Alcohol, controlled substances, and related paraphernalia are not permitted in corridors, stairwells, floor lounges, rooms or any campus facility.
  • Exemptions to the alcohol policy are allowed, including approved waivers for special alcohol-related events for of-age students that are approved by the administration.
  • All occupants and guests of a residence hall room or apartment area are subject to disciplinary action if a guest or someone in the unit violates alcohol, tobacco and other drug policies.
  • Members of student groups, organizations, or teams are responsible for adherence to the policy outlined in the Code of Student Conduct, Waldorf University’s policy on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, and local, state and federal regulations. In addition, all members of student groups, teams, or organizations, regardless of age, are required to:
    • Refrain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs before any  University-sponsored competitive event.
    • Report their own on- and off-campus alcohol or drug violations to the advisor, team coach and/or faculty/staff/administrative representative.
  • Coaches or advisors may elect to impose disciplinary sanctions on students in groups, organizations, or teams in addition to those imposed by other University employees responsible for enforcement of the Code of Student Conduct. These sanctions may include:
    • A written warning.
    • Required alcohol and drug assessment, compliance with the assessor's recommendations, and may not be permitted to play in the next game for a second offense.
    • Dismissal or suspension from the group for the remainder of the season or event for a third offense.
  • The possession or use of alcohol paraphernalia/drug paraphernalia is prohibited in campus housing. For this policy, paraphernalia is defined as items typically used to dispense or ingest alcohol or illegal drugs, including, but not limited to, liquor bottles/cans, kegs, bongs, pipes, roach clips, and hookah pipes.
  • Advertisements that indicate alcohol as the primary focus of an event are forbidden.
  • Waldorf University students, like all citizens, are expected to know and abide by local, state, and federal laws. The local, state, and federal regulations related to alcohol and drugs include, but are not limited to, the following:
    • It is unlawful for persons under the age of 21 to possess, purchase, attempt to purchase, or consume an alcoholic beverage, except in exceptional circumstances or when accompanied by a parent, spouse, or guardian of legal drinking age.
    • The misrepresentation of one's age to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages or to enter a licensed premise is forbidden.
    • It is unlawful to operate a motor vehicle when impaired by alcohol or other drugs.
    • The law prohibits the knowing, intentional, and unauthorized possession, furnishing, manufacturing, and trafficking of scheduled controlled substances, such as cocaine, marijuana, LSD, heroin, and steroids.
    • Without a liquor license, it is unlawful to sell or accept payment for alcohol.
    • It is unlawful to sell alcohol to an intoxicated person.
    • It is illegal for an underage person to be in a bar or on licensed premises except when the underage person is a resident or employee during work hours at such premises or when the licensed activity is supplemental to the principal business.

Medical Emergencies

Alcohol and drug consumption can result in a medical emergency. Students and staff should immediately request help with such an emergency by visiting a hospital emergency room or contacting 911, Campus Security, Health Services or a member of the Residence Life Staff.

Good Samaritan Guidelines

Each member of the campus community is encouraged to immediately seek help from an Area Coordinator, an RA, Campus Security, or a local paramedic unit for students or guests whose health and well-being may be at risk due to the consumption of alcohol and/or drugs. Helping a student in need will always be viewed favorably in any follow-up to an incident, including those incidents where the “Good Samaritan” and/or person in need of emergency assistance may have violated University policy.

Self-Help Guidelines

When a student recognizes that he/she has difficulty with substance abuse and agrees to a voluntary withdrawal to participate in a comprehensive substance abuse treatment program at his/her own expense, penalties incurred for disruptive behavior resulting from the use of alcohol or a controlled substance may be waived.


Waldorf University Sanctions: Disciplinary sanctions for violation of University regulations may include a warning, disciplinary probation, discretionary or education assignments, community service, mediation, fines, parental notification, referrals, restitution, restrictions or loss of privileges, residence unit suspension, residence hall expulsion, temporary suspension, suspension from the University, or expulsion from the University. Under federal law, the University may notify the parents of alcohol and drug violations if the student is under the age of 21 at the time of notification. While the sanction(s) imposed depends upon the severity of the offense and the history (if any), disciplinary measures typically follow the pattern outlined below:

  1. First Offense: $50 fine and a mandatory education program. Parental notification is possible for students under 21.
  2. Second Offense: $150 fine, discretionary assignment, payment for, completion of and compliance with a chemical dependency assessment, and/or candidate for residence hall probation. Parents may be notified if a student has not reached 21.
  3. Third Offense: $200 fine, discretionary assignment, payment for, completion of and compliance with a chemical dependency assessment, and/or candidate for residence unit suspension/expulsion. Parents may be notified if a student has not reached 21.

Community Sanctions: In addition to sanctions imposed by the University, Waldorf University students are subject to sanctions imposed by the local authorities and officials in their regional and/or home communities.

Tobacco-Free and Nicotine-Free Policy

Waldorf University finds that:

  • Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death in the United States.
  • Nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to develop heart disease, lung cancer, and stroke.
  • Inhaling e-cigarette aerosol directly from the device or secondhand aerosol is potentially harmful to health.
  • Tobacco products (extends to all types of tobacco, nicotine and electronic smoking device (ESD) products), once consumed in public spaces, are often discarded on the ground, requiring additional maintenance expenses and diminishing the beauty of outdoor grounds.
  • The prohibition of tobacco and nicotine use at all times will serve to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of our students, staff and visitors.


Waldorf University facilities and grounds, including vehicles owned or leased by Waldorf University, are off limits for tobacco use, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snuff, pipes, snus, Electronic Smoking Devices (ESD) and nicotine products that are not Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for tobacco cessation. This requirement extends to students, employees, and visitors. This policy applies at all times, including school-sponsored and non- school sponsored events. Persons failing to abide by this policy are required to extinguish their smoking material, dispose of the tobacco/nicotine product or leave Waldorf University premises immediately. It is the responsibility of the administration to enforce this policy.

This policy is part of Iowa Department of Public Health and promoting and protecting the health of Iowans and was adopted on February 23, 2017.

  1. Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. Tobacco Overview. Retrieved November 10, 2015
  2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Smoking-SO Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, 2014 (accessed 2015 Aug 20).
  3. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General. Secondhand Smoke What It Means to You. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Coordinating Center for Health Promotion, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, 2006. Retrieved October 2, 2015.
  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office on Smoking and Health (2015). E-cigarette information. Retrieved November 16, 2015.

Complaints and Enforcement of Iowa Smokefree Air Act

  1. The Iowa Department of Public Health is responsible for maintaining a system for receiving and investigating complaints of non-compliance with the Smokefree Air Act.
  2. The Iowa Department of Public Health designates the law enforcement authorities of the state and for each political subdivision of the state, to assist with the enforcement of the Smokefree Air Act. A peace officer may issue a citation instead of arresting a violator of this Act and the violator shall pay a civil penalty (Iowa Code section 805.8C(3)) for each violation. The Office of Student Life is the designated contact authority for the campus with regards to this policy.
  3. Any person may register a complaint with the Iowa Department of Public Health by calling the toll-free number, 888.944.2247, or by registering a complaint on the IDPH web site or by downloading a complaint form from the IDPH web site.
  4. The Waldorf Human Resource Office will be responsible to inform all employment applicants and current employees in those classifications that University-owned and leased facilities and grounds are smoke-free environments.
  5. Any person can inform another that the University is a smoke free environment and that smoking violates the Smokefree Air Act. If the individual refuses to stop smoking, a complaint can be filed against a violator with the Office of Student Life.

AnchorStudent Records – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (see catalog for FERPA policy)

AnchorSexual Assault/Harassment & (HIPPA) Policy

Waldorf University is committed to maintaining an academic environment free from any form of sexual assault and harassment. Sexual assault involves any act of forced, coerced, or non-consensual sexual intercourse or sexual contact. Acquaintance rape is a form of sexual assault that includes manipulation within a relationship. This manipulation includes using acquaintance to gain trust and exploit the victim’s vulnerability.

Acquaintance rape includes:

  • Having sexual relations against the victim’s will and without the victim’s consent;
  • Having sexual relations with someone who is drunk, high or incapacitated and therefore unable to give consent;
  • Using physical force or threats of physical force to coerce the victim into sexual relations;
  • Using emotional manipulation and/or threats to coerce the victim into sexual relations.

Harassment Policy

A. Policy Statement

Waldorf University is committed to creating and maintaining an atmosphere in which all members of the community are treated with dignity and respect. As part of this commitment, harassment and bullying are regarded as reprehensible and will not be tolerated by the Waldorf University community. To further the University’s educational goals and its commitment to preventing harassment of any kind, harassment education will be provided no less than annually. As an academic institution, Waldorf believes that meaningful education and proactive conversation are imperative to creating a respectful community.

This policy applies to all University community members–students, faculty, staff, administrators, guests and members of the Board of Trustees. University community members traveling abroad on university business or due to a university course are expected to comply with this policy regardless of local laws and/or customs. It also applies to any persons not affiliated with the University who may have occasion to be present on campus and interact with students, faculty, and staff.

Harassment is especially serious when it threatens relationships between teacher and student or supervisor and subordinate. In such situations, harassment unfairly exploits the power inherent in a faculty member or supervisor’s position. Through grades, salary or wage increases, recommendations for advanced study, promotion and the like, a supervisor or faculty member may have a decisive influence on the students, faculty members, or staff member’s career at Waldorf University and beyond.

While harassment most often occurs in situations of a power differential between the persons involved, it may occur between persons of the same or similar status. The University will not tolerate behavior between or among community members that creates a hostile, intimidating, or divisive atmosphere that may prove disruptive to the University community.

B. Definitions

Complainant: A University community member who believes they may have been subject to, witnessed, or been informed about harassment.

Harassment: The University defines harassment as any behavior that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work, learning, or campus living environment and which is based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, veteran’s status, or any other legally protected characteristic if such conduct would be offensive to a reasonable person. Additional information on Sexual Harassment and the University’s policy related to Consensual Relationships can be found at the end of this policy.

Campus Hearing Board: A selected group of employees and students serves as a jury and review board for major student conduct situations, including student-to-student harassment.

Recipient: Formally known as the Designated Complaint Recipients, these University community members are individually designated to receive all harassment complaints. They are:

  • Supervisor if appropriate;
  • the Vice President for Business Affairs;
  • the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students;
  • the Vice President for Academic Affairs;
  • the Human Resources Manager;
  • the Campus Nurse;
  • the Director of the AAC/Title IX Coordinator; or
  • any Dean or other University Officer.

Respondent: The person(s) accused of alleged harassment.

C. Reporting Requirements and Resolution Procedures

Suppose you believe that you have been harassed and do not feel comfortable undertaking a conversation with the other person regarding your feelings related to their behavior. In that case, you should report the conduct to a Recipient. Members of the University community who believe they may have witnessed or been informed about harassment should report the conduct to a Recipient. Whether you initiate a conversation or make a report to a Recipient, you need not fear coercion or reprisal, as the University will tolerate none. Upon receipt of the complaint, the Recipient will counsel the Complainant on the three campus-based resolution options available to them and provide information regarding counseling and other support services available at the University and through the community. Although the resolution options are presented in a suggested order, the most appropriate option(s) may be chosen in a given situation. In addition to campus-based responses, there are legal options for the person who experiences harassment. Persons wishing to pursue legal remedies are urged to seek competent counsel promptly, as the University does not provide legal advice or representation.

Suppose the Complainant does not wish to pursue the matter. In that case, the Recipient will attempt to determine whether facts support the complaint as the University must eliminate harassment even if a particular Complainant does not so request. The Recipient may speak with the Respondent to determine whether facts support a complaint and prepare a written summary of the conversation with the Complainant and the Respondent. The Recipient will prepare a written report of all the complaints. This written report will contain summaries of conversations and any other information.

The written report may contain a recommendation from the Recipient about whether or not the claim seems to have been resolved during conversations. The Recipient may initiate formal procedures by filing a complaint with one of the previously listed Recipients, and the Recipient will serve as a Complainant after that. All complaints of harassment of any kind will be promptly investigated.

The Office of Student Life is responsible for hearing, mediating and resolving issues or complaints involving harassment that are determined through the Formal Procedure, below. The University is liable under state and federal law if it “has notice” of a hostile environment and fails to take immediate and appropriate action. Persons determined to violate the University’s harassment policy will be subject to disciplinary action ranging from verbal or written reprimand to sanctions culminating in termination or dismissal and the possibility of referral to the appropriate authorities. All reports are filed with the Title IX officer.

Resolution Option A: Direct Response

To facilitate resolution, the Complainant may choose to confront the alleged harasser directly, either via phone, video, in person or in writing, specifically identifying the behavior or objectionable and, if desired, the remedy sought incident found to resolve the complaint. If the complaint is not resolved through a direct response or the Complainant feels uncomfortable about taking this action, the Complainant should report the behavior to a Recipient, as defined above. In the case of a complaint involving a student and alleged harassment by a faculty or staff member, direct response is not recommended due to the inherent power differential.

Resolution Option B: Informal Procedure

Informal Procedure will generally involve efforts to mediate a resolution that both the Complainant and the person accused (Respondent) can agree upon. The mediation will not involve face-to-face meetings unless the Complainant agrees. The designated investigator will meet with the Complainant, the Respondent, and the Respondent’s immediate supervisor. In the case of students, the Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students will act as the Respondent’s supervisor. Every effort will be made to resolve the situation informally in the most efficient manner. Suppose the Respondent admits to the action and has an informal resolution. In that case, the Complainant is satisfied with the designated investigator or designee in conjunction with the Respondent’s supervisor, and the President, if it involves employees, will determine the appropriate sanction, which may be remedial, rehabilitative and/or disciplinary. The President’s decision will be final in cases that involve employees. Suppose the designated investigator cannot mediate a resolution within fifteen (15) days of receipt. In that case, the assigned investigator will inform the Complainant and the Respondent that the case has moved to the Formal Procedures stage. The results of the informal resolution will be documented. This documentation will be maintained according to guidelines under “Records” later in this policy. Informal procedures must be completed within fifteen (15) business days of receipt of the complaint by the designated investigator.

Resolution Option C: Formal Procedure
  • If the Informal Procedure does not produce a mediated resolution that is acceptable to both the Complainant or if the incident is of such a nature that the Respond informal resolution is not appropriate, the case will proceed automatically to the formal stage. A written, signed and dated complaint, prepared by the Complainant and/or the Recipient, must be filed with the designated investigator, and the case will then be referred to the Campus Hearing Board. Student Life will further investigate the complaint as impartial fact finders who do not represent the Complainant or the Respondent. Suppose the allegations are found to be valid. In that case, the President, in cases involving employees, in consultation with HR and the Respondent’s supervisor, will determine the appropriate action to be taken. In cases involving only students, Student Life Conduct Officers in consultation with the Campus Hearing Board, will determine the proper action to be taken. The Campus Hearing Board and/or Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Student’s decision will be final. Formal procedures must be completed within sixty (60) business days from the date the written and signed formal complaint was filed with the designated investigator.

D. Protection of Complainant and Others

All reasonable action will be taken to ensure the Complainant and those providing information on behalf of the Complainant or supporting the Complainant in other ways will suffer no retaliation due to their activities regarding the process. The Complainant will be kept informed during the process. In extraordinary circumstances and at any time during the filing of a sexual harassment complaint, the President of the University and/or Dean of Students may suspend any administrator, faculty member, staff member, or student accused of harassment if it appears reasonably certain that harassment has occurred and that serious and immediate harm might ensue if the Respondent was not suspended.

For cases in which the President is a party to the complaint, the Chair of the Board of Trustees will assume the role of the President.

E. Retaliation

Retaliation against an individual for a good faith report or complaint of alleged harassment, for participating in an investigation, or against an individual accused of committing harassment is prohibited by University policy and state and federal law.

Retaliation is a serious violation that can subject the offender to sanctions independent of the merits of the harassment allegation. It is a violation of this harassment policy to retaliate against:

  • any member of the Harassment Resolution Task Force or Campus Hearing Board,
  • a person who has or is complaining of alleged harassment (Complainant),
  • a person who is or has been accused of harassment (Respondent), or
  • any person involved in assisting, participating or cooperating in an investigation of harassment, and may be grounds for further disciplinary action.

Retaliation can take many forms, including threats and intimidation, unwarranted denial or reduction of rights and privileges, disadvantageous treatment, etc. When retaliation is charged, the complaining party should utilize the complaint resolution mechanisms specified in this policy.

F. False Accusations

Due to the nature of harassment, complaints cannot always be substantiated. The lack of corroborating evidence should not discourage complainants from seeking relief through the procedures outlined in this policy. Failure to prove a harassment claim is not equivalent to a false allegation. However, charges found to be intentionally dishonest or made maliciously without regard for the truth will subject the Complainant and/or person(s) providing false or deliberately misleading information to disciplinary action. While Waldorf University will seek, insofar as possible, to protect from retaliation persons who make allegations of harassment and/or are involved in investigating or resolving such allegations, the University will also seek to protect those accused from the effects of unfounded or frivolous allegations. It is a violation of this policy for anyone to make false accusations of harassment, and disciplinary action may knowingly be imposed for making such false accusations. Such false or malicious accusations may also subject the person making such false allegations to civil liability.

G. Confidentiality

Every reasonable effort will be made to preserve confidentiality and to protect the rights of students, faculty, staff and administrators involved in the filing, investigation, and resolution of complaints of harassment. However, the university shall not be held liable if the Complainant chooses to speak publicly regarding the case. To the extent reasonably possible, Waldorf University will treat all information received as confidential. However, where it is necessary, in the university’s sole discretion, to disclose particulars during the investigation, such disclosure will be made. The parties to a sexual harassment complaint should treat the matter under investigation with discretion and respect for the reputation of all parties involved.

H. Records

No record of a complaint shall be placed in the personnel file of an administrator, faculty member, or staff member or in the personal file of a student if the complaint is found to be unsubstantiated and without merit. If a complaint is substantiated, an official notation will be placed in the personnel file of the administrator, faculty member, or staff member or in the personal file of the student against whom the complaint is filed. In addition, any official disciplinary action will be noted in the file.

If a Complainant chooses to use the Direct Response and also communicates this situation to a Recipient, the only record that will be retained will contain the following:

  • the name of the Complainant,
  • the name of the individual against whom the complaint was made,
  • the date the complaint was first brought to the attention of the University,
  • a general statement of the nature of the complaint,
  • a statement that the Complainant chose to use the direct response,
  • a statement on the results of the direct response.

If a complaint is found to be unsubstantiated and without merit at either the informal or formal level, the only record that will be retained will contain the following:

  • the name of the Complainant,
  • the name of the individual against whom the complaint was made,
  • the date the complaint was first brought to the attention of the University,
  • a general statement of the nature of the complaint,
  • a statement that the complaint was found unsubstantiated and without merit, and the level at which such determination was made.

If, after initial counseling on options or unsuccessful mediation, the Complainant does not wish to pursue the complaint and the Recipient does not initiate formal procedures, the only record that will be retained will contain the following:

  • the name of the Complainant,
  • the name of the individual against whom the complaint was made,
  • the date the complaint was first brought to the attention of the University,
  • a general statement of the nature of the complaint,
  • a statement that the Complainant elected not to pursue the matter after initial counseling on options or unsuccessful mediation and that the Recipient, after an investigation, had determined not to initiate formal procedures.

The University shall retain all records generated at any level in the handling of a complaint of harassment. These records shall be kept in a locked file with the Title IX office. The Title IX office will maintain these records, and he/she alone has access to them unless he/she grants access to another person. Upon receipt of a new complaint file, the Title IX office will notify the Recipient if another file pertaining either to the Complainant or Respondent exists. The Recipient will then review those records to determine if there is a need to initiate additional formal procedures. Access to harassment records is severely restricted and may be obtained only through written permission of the President and/or Title IX office.

Under ordinary circumstances, access to records may be granted only when the information contained therein may be necessary and pertinent to the conduct of an investigation of harassment and only to the following individuals or groups:

  1. those who act as Recipients or designated investigators of claims of harassment and
  2. the members of the Campus Hearing Board.

The President has sole discretion to determine whether the need to know outweighs the need for confidentiality. In extraordinary circumstances, access to records may be granted to prevent serious and immediate harm to the Complainant or other campus community members. In all cases where access to records has been given, a statement will be affixed to the file indicating that the contents thereof are privileged and confidential, and a record will be maintained of any individual(s) obtaining access, the date, and the reason the particular record was reviewed.

For cases in which the President is a party to the complaint, the Chair of the Board of Trustees will assume the role of the President.

Definition of Sexual Harassment

  • Sexual harassment can take many forms, and the determination of what constitutes sexual harassment will vary according to the particular circumstances. Sexual harassment may generally be defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other written, verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is directed toward a person because of his/her gender when;
  • submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment or education;
  • submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for academic or employment decisions affecting that individual or
  • such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s academic or work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning or employment environment.

Sexual harassment may involve behavior by a person toward another person. Conduct alleged to be sexual harassment will be evaluated by considering the totality of the particular circumstances, including the nature, frequency, intensity, location, context, and duration of the questioned behavior. Although repeated incidents generally create a stronger claim of sexual harassment, a serious incident, even if isolated, can be sufficient. For example, a single suggestion that academic or other educational or employment rewards or reprisals will follow the granting or refusal of sexual favors will constitute sexual harassment and grounds for action under this policy. Generally speaking, the person exhibiting the sexually harassing conduct does not have to intend or realize that the conduct is offensive for the conduct to constitute sexual harassment.

University Policy on Consensual Relationships

Because consent cannot be given freely in a situation where one person has power over another, romantic and/or sexual relationships between the following are prohibited: faculty and staff with currently enrolled students and students being recruited, supervisors with any person they supervise, Board of Trustees members with administrators, faculty, staff and students or any other University employee with someone over whom she/he has a position of power or control. Consensual relationships of a romantic or sexual nature between a Waldorf University employee and a current Waldorf student or between supervisors and those they supervise may be construed as or may be harassment. Because a unique position of power or control exists in such relationships, the term “consent” is ambiguous. Consequently, to claim a consensual relationship is not an acceptable defense against harassment charges.

The following are exceptions to the above policy:

  1. This policy does not apply to relationships between spouses.
  2. A consensual romantic relationship between a Waldorf University student employee and another Waldorf student is not prohibited. Exception–relationship between the student and employee existed before the employee was hired and/or student became a student and an agreement of understanding this policy is discussed and decided on.

Notice of Privacy Practices for Protected Health Information (HIPPA)


1. Purpose of This Privacy Notice

This Notice of Privacy Practices describes how Waldorf University Health Care Components may use and disclose your protected health information to carry out treatment or conduct health care operations and for other purposes permitted or required by law. Waldorf University reserves the right to change this Notice of Privacy Practices. The Notice describes your rights to access and control your protected health information. “Protected Health Information” is information about you, including demographic information, that may identify you and relate to your past, present or future physical or mental health condition and related health care services. For this notice, we will refer to “Protected Health Information” as “PHI.”

2. Who Will Follow This Notice

This notice describes the privacy policy of the various departments at Waldorf University that provide health-related services to you. Waldorf University Health Care Components include the following health care providers:

  • Waldorf University Director of Student Health Services;
  • Waldorf University Counseling Center: Director of Counseling Center, Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students;
  • Waldorf University Athletic Trainer, Head Coaches, and Assistant Coaches; and
  • Waldorf University Student Loan and Insurance Coordinator.

These healthcare provider components work together at Waldorf to provide comprehensive and coordinated health-related services.

3. Our Pledge Regarding Your Medical Information

We understand that medical information about you and your health is personal, and we are committed to protecting it. A record of the care and the services you receive at any Waldorf University health care provider is created and maintained at that location. This notice applies to all of your care records.

Your personal health information must be kept confidential and private under several federal and state laws. For example, Iowa Code Chapter 22.7(2) addresses the confidentiality of public hospital, medical, and professional counselor records; Iowa Code Chapter 228 addresses the disclosure of mental health and psychological information; the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. &1232(g) and 34 CFR Part 99, addresses the confidentiality of student educational records; and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 42 U.S.C. 1320(d) and 45 CFR Parts 160 and 164, addresses the confidentiality of patient health information and records.

We are required by law to:

  • Make sure that medical and psychological information that identifies you is kept private.
  • Provide you with this notice of our legal duties and privacy practices regarding your medical and psychological information. You can review and obtain a copy of this notice no later than the first time you visit one of the Waldorf University healthcare providers listed above. We will also ask you to acknowledge that you have been offered this opportunity.
  • Provide you with, and ask you to sign, a more detailed Consent to Treatment form that will explain specific and often more stringent requirements about the use and disclosure of your mental health and psychological information if you are seeking services from the Waldorf University Counseling Center.
  • Follow the terms of the notice that is currently in effect. We may change the terms of our notice at any time. The new notice will be effective for all PHI we maintain now. We will provide you with any revised Notice of Privacy Practices upon request.

You may obtain a copy of the revised version by contacting the Waldorf University Student Health Services and requesting that a revised copy be sent to you in the mail or by asking for one at the time of your next appointment. The current notice and any revised notice are available on the internet on the Waldorf University website at

AnchorStatement and Policies of Non-Discrimination and Accessibility

Non-Discriminatory Policy: Waldorf University does not discriminate based on gender, race, color, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, sex, age or handicap in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. Any person having questions concerning Waldorf’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX or Section 504 is directed to contact the Department of Human Resources, 106 South 6th St., Waldorf University, Forest City, IA 50436 (641.585.8197) who has been designated to coordinate Waldorf University’s efforts to comply with these regulations.

Any person may also contact the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U. S. Department of Education.

Notice of Program Accessibility: Waldorf University is committed to providing all of its students, faculty, staff and visitors with equal access to its programs, events and facilities. To this end, and in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American Disabilities Act, the University is making modifications to its buildings and grounds in such a reasonable manner as to provide access for people with disabilities. It stands ready to supply to students and faculty, including those with limiting visual or hearing impairments, such auxiliary aids, modifications in classroom locations and/or adjustment of classroom techniques and practices as will allow equal access to the regular program and degree objectives offered by the University.

Requests for information, modifications beyond those already completed, or assistance to accommodate individual needs should be made to the Department of Human Resources, 106 South 6th St., Waldorf University, Forest City, IA 50436 (641.585.8197).