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  • Heidi Aitchison, B.A.
    Associate Director
    Financial Aid Office

    B.A. in Finance and Banking
    B.A. in Business Management
    Buena Vista University

  • Wendie Albert, Ph.D.
    Adjunct Faculty
    Criminal Justice Department

    Ph.D. in Human Services (2013), Criminal Justice Concentration; Graduation with Distinction
    Capella University 

    M.S. in Criminal Justice (2002)
    University of Central Florida

    B.A. in Psychology (1997)
    University of South Florida

    A.A. in General Studies (1997)
    University of South Florida


    As an educator for over 20 years, criminal justice has always been Dr. Albert's passion. This passion began during her undergraduate education when she took Abnormal Psychology. A few years after she earned a bachelor’s degree, she decided to continue her education by earning a master’s degree.  Eventually, she decided to go back to school to seek a Ph.D. Dr. Albert has been both an on-campus and an online student.

    Dr. Albert’s professional experience includes victim advocacy, child protection, juvenile justice and the legal field. Her research interests have focused on crime victims, criminological theory, and criminal justice.

    Being an educator has always been her dream. It began at a local university, where she was the program coordinator and lead faculty for a criminal justice program. She loves being able to share her professional experience and passion for a field she has long held an interest in.

  • Bob Alsop, Ph.D.
    Office of the President

    Ph.D. and M.A. in English
    Southern Illinois University; Carbondale, Ill.

    B.A. in English
    Concordia College; Moorhead, Minn.

  • Natalie Alsop, Ph.D.
    Adjunct Faculty
    Psychology Department

    Ph.D in Clinical Child Psychology (1995)
    Southern Illinois University; Carbondale, Illinois

    M.A. in Clinical Child Psychology (1993)
    Southern Illinois University; Carbondale, Illinois

    B.A. in Psychology and Communications (1989); Summa Cum Laude
    Concordia College; Moorhead, Minn.


    Clinical psychologist with MercyOne Behavioral Health seeing outpatients at the clinic, hospital and schools since 1999. Adjunct professor at Waldorf University since 2001 teaching clinical courses.

  • Amber Anderson, B.S.W.
    Office Coordinator
    Financial Aid Office

    B.S.W. in Social Work
    Luther College; Decorah, Iowa

  • Melissa Anderson, M.A.
    Director of Student Accounts
    Business Affairs Office

    M.A. in Organizational Leadership (2021)
    Waldorf University

    B.A. in Finance & Banking (2006)
    Waldorf University

  • Kaleigh Archer
    Counselor I
    Financial Aid Office

    Currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in psychology with a concentration in Mental Health.

  • Shelly Baker, Ph.D.
    Adjunt Faculty
    Business Department

    Ph.D. in Business Administration (2009)
    Specialization: Management
    Northcentral University; Prescott Valley, Ariz.         

    M.S. in Business Management (2005)
    Specialization: Project Management (over 18 graduate hours) 
    Colorado Technical University; Colorado Springs, Colo.


    Dr. Shelly's primary research interests include management and leadership issues, change management, and employee job satisfaction. Dr. Baker has been teaching in higher education, where she has taught in the business discipline at the undergraduate and graduate levels since 2005. Before starting her teaching career, she served as a banking institution's vice president/branch manager. She has a Ph.D. in Business Administration/Management from Northcentral University.

  • Tricia Baker, B.A.
    Library Services and Operations Assistant

    B.A in Art History, minor in Archaeology
    Grand Valley State University; Allendale, Mich.

  • Darrell Barbour, M.S.
    University Registrar, Veteran Affairs Certifying Officer
    Registrar's Office

    Keiser University

    Drake University

    Central College


    Darrell is a curious and ambitious individual, always seeking to unearth new knowledge and insights, much like the archaeologists and scientists he admires. As a seasoned University Registrar, he's spent years navigating the intricacies of academic administration, guiding students and faculty through the complexities of registration, records, and more.

    His true passion lies in the ancient worlds of the Bible, where he delves into the histories of Egypt, Israel, and the Near East. He devours books and documentaries on biblical and ancient archaeology, mesmerized by the discoveries at sites like Alexandria, Jericho, Bethlehem, and Capernaum. He loves to ponder the mysteries of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem, his miracles in Capernaum, and the ancient walls of Jericho that witnessed the Israelites' triumphant entry into the Promised Land. He is also a huge fan of Josh Gates and his thrilling adventures on Expedition Unknown, often imagining himself alongside him as they explore the unknown and uncover hidden secrets around the world. And when he's not busy ensuring the smooth operation of Waldorf University, he enjoys exploring the intersection of faith and science, pondering the astral physics of the heavenly bodies, and imagining what it would be like to explore the galaxy on a Federation starship. He finds inspiration in Captain Jean-Luc Picard's wisdom, Mr. Spock's logic, and the endless possibilities of the philosophy of the I.D.I.C.  And so, his journey continues, fueled by an insatiable curiosity that burns brighter with each passing day, driven by a passion that transcends boundaries and ignites his very soul, and is illuminated by the thrill of discovery that beckons him ever forward, into the vast expanse of the unknown, where the secrets of the universe await, like hidden treasures of the Judean Desert, ready to be unearthed by his inquisitive heart and mind.

    NAIA Registrar's Association Executive Board - 2024 to present
    Holman Award for Professional Excellence - 2021

  • Sheryl Barbour, B.A.
    Database & Gift Processing Coordinator
    Engagement & Advancement Office

    B.A. in English (1993)
    Central College; Pella, Iowa

  • Steven Bardwell, M.A.
    Program Director
    Fire Science Administration Department
    Assistant Professor
    Organizational Leadership Department

    Senior Executive in State and Local Government (postgraduate certificate)
    Harvard University

    M.A. in Executive Fire Service Leadership
    Grand Canyon University

    B.A. in Fire Protection Technology 
    University of Memphis


    Steven's work experience is very diverse. Some of his job responsibilities have ranged from sanitation worker, firefighter/EMT, EMS supervisor, chief fire officer, and college professor.

    Steven also serves as an instructor for the United States Department of Homeland Security/United States Fire Administration. He has delivered leadership and emergency response training programs in 42 states and instructed international students from Japan, England, Canada, Mexico, and Turkey.

  • Jodi Barkema, B.A.
    Library Technician

    B.A. in Elementary Education, minor in Spanish
    K-8 media specialist endorsement
    University of Northern Iowa

  • Christopher Beiting, D.Phil. (Oxon)
    Adjunct Faculty
    History Department
    Adjuct Faculty
    English Department

    D.Phil. in Modern History (1997)
    University of Oxford

    M.A. in Organizational Leadership (2023)
    Waldorf University

    M.A. in Medieval Studies (1990)
    Western Michigan University

    B.A. in History, minor in English (1986)
    Kalamazoo College


    Christopher J. Beiting is the Editor-in-Chief of the Catholic Social Science Review and one of the Contributing Editors at the New Oxford Review. He received his doctorate in history from the University of Oxford, has taught (full- or part-time) at eight colleges and universities, and now works as the Archivist for Waldorf University, where he is also an adjunct professor. In addition to the Catholic Social Science Review and the New Oxford Review, his published work has appeared in Augustiniana, Franciscan Studies, The Journal of Markets & Morality, Logos, Modern Age, New Blackfriars Review, St. Austin Review, The Thomist, and others.

  • Sarah Beiting, M.L.I.S.

    M.L.I.S. in Library & Information Science, concentrating on academic librarianship with a specialty in technical services
    Wayne State University; Detroit, Mich.

    M.S. in Business Management, with coursework in finance, economics, international business, ethics and contract law, and workplace diversity

    B.A. in History; minor in Theatre/Communications
    Kalamazoo College; Kalamazoo, Mich.


    Mrs. Beiting's experience is mostly in running a library and all the functions that go with librarianship. However, she does have extensive Information Science experience, including in-depth prospects research, database management, web site design and maintenance, and knowledge management development.

  • Sarah Belka, M.A.
    Adjunct Faculty
    Homeland Security Department
    Emergency Management

    M.A. in Homeland Security(2018)
    Tulane University

    B.A. in International Studies (2011)
    American University


    Sarah worked for a Federal Law Enforcement agency for 12 years. During that time, she worked on national security investigations and ran a regional crisis response team where she deployed for mass casualty events, terrorism events, and major events and stood up command posts. She is currently a Senior Security Manager and oversees all programs (crisis management, intelligence, investigations, etc) and operations for a Security Intelligence Operations Center.

  • Richard Bell, Ed.D., J.D.
    Adjunct Faculty
    Sport Management Department

    Unites States Sports Academy

    University of South Carolina

    M.A. in History
    The Citadel

    B.S. in Pre-Med
    Clemson University


    Richard Bell is a U.S. Naval Aviator from the Vietnam Era, a lawyer and a college professor.

  • Nick Benesh
    Associate Professor
    Psychology Department

    Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology (2011)

    M.S. in Psychology (2009)
    University of Memphis

    B.S. in Psychology (2006)
    University of Wisconsin-River Falls


    Dr. Benesh has a background in cognitive science, specializing in psycholinguistics. His research interests include how people process language, with a focus on large language models, the role of gestures in communication, and the use of eye tracking to understand these processes. His passion for psychology extends beyond the classroom, and he strives to connect students with real-world applications of the concepts they learn.

  • Justin Benjegerdes
    Facilities Office

    EPA 608 Universal Technician (2023)
    Iowa Association of Building Maintenance Engineers; Ames, Iowa

    Certified Boiler Technician (High Pressure +15psi) (2022)
    Iowa Association of Building Maintenance Engineers; Ames, Iowa

    Certified Basic AC and Heat Pump Operations (2019)
    Iowa Association of Building Maintenance Engineers; Ames, Iowa

    Certified Basic Electrical Concepts (2018)
    Iowa Association of Building Maintenance Engineers; Ames, Iowa

    Certified Boiler Operator (Low Pressure -15psi) (2017)
    Iowa Association of Building Maintenance Engineers; Ames, Iowa

  • Chase Bennett, B.A.
    Director of International Student Services
    International Student Office
    Student Transport Coordinator
    Student Transporatation Office

    B.A. in Business (2022)
    Emphasis in Banking and Finance, Administration
    Waldorf University; Forest City, Iowa


    Born and raised in Junction City, Kan., Chase later accepted to Waldorf University on a Cross Country, Track and Field Scholarship to study business. He graduated in 2022 and continued into the M.B.A. program.

  • Emilie Bertram, D.M.A.
    Director of Choral Activities
    Music Department
    Associate Professor
    Music Department
    Music Department Chair
    Music Department

    D.M.A. in Choral Conducting and Literature (2020)
    GPA:  4.0 of 4.0
    University of Colorado; Boulder, Colo.

    M.M. in Music Education (2006)
    Choral and Piano Emphasis
    GPA: 3.9 of 4.0
    Ithaca College; Ithaca, N.Y.

    B.M. in Music Education (2004); Summa Cum Laude                                                                                          
    Choral and Piano Emphasis 
    Concordia College; Moorhead, Minn.


    Emilie Bertram serves as Director of Choral Activities, Music Department Chair, and Assistant Professor of Music at Waldorf University where she conducts the Waldorf University Choir, Schola Cantorum and teaches courses in conducting and choral methods.

    Prior to her appointment at Waldorf, Dr. Bertram conducted various ensembles during her studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, including the Treble Chorus, University Choir and University Singers. She has taught in the public and private school systems in Minn., N.Y. and Calif., instructing general music, piano, voice and choral music. Dr. Bertram’s ensembles have enjoyed invited performances in San Francisco, Anaheim, Seattle, Vancouver, Ireland, New York City and were featured at the 2017 California ACDA State Convention. Dr. Bertram enjoys creating intergenerational, community-based music experiences and has collaborated with groups such as the ASTER Women’s Chamber Chorus, Nordkor Children’s Choir, North Iowa Choral Society, Una Vocis Choral Ensemble, Fort Dodge Area Symphony, and Austin Symphony Orchestra.

    An active clinician and scholar, Dr. Bertram has presented various research and pedagogy topics at the National Collegiate Choral Organization National Conference, the Iowa Music Educators Association State Conference, the California State Music Educators Conference, has led workshops on the collaborative pianist/choral conductor relationship, and is an adjudicator for the Iowa High School Music Association. Her research on “Utilizing the Principles of Storytelling to Create Engaging Concert Programs” was published as a featured article in the Choral Journal.  She was also chosen as a contributing author to In Search of Inspiration: Interviews with Notable Choral Conductors, published in 2022. She enjoys frequent guest conducting and clinician invitations. Dr. Bertram believes in employing ensemble pedagogy focused on active listening, technical skill development, musical nuance, the intentional fostering of intrinsic motivation, and community building, resulting in communicative, authentic performance experiences. 

    Dr. Bertram holds degrees from the University of Colorado Boulder (D.M.A., Choral Conducting and Literature), Ithaca College (M.M., Music Education) and Concordia College (B.M., Secondary Vocal Music Education). She has been privileged to study with conductors René Clausen, Janet Galván, Ann Howard Jones, Gregory Gentry, Elizabeth Swanson, Gary Lewis, Joan Conlon, Sharon Hansen and Richard Bjella. She has sung as a member of numerous performing ensembles, including the Concordia Choir, University of Colorado Boulder University Singers, and The Choral Project (San Jose, Calif.).

  • Bharat Bhattarai, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    Chemistry Department

    Inha University; Republic of Korea

    Tribhuvan University; Nepal

  • Sue Bjelland, B.A.
    Military Billling Specialist
    Business Affairs Office

    B.A. in Business Administration & Long Term Care Administration


    Sue enjoys getting payment for military students accurately and efficiently.

  • Ashley Blake, Ed.D.
    Adjunct Faculty
    Business Department

    Ed.D. in Education
    National University 

    M.A. in Organizational Leadership
    Waldorf University

    B.A. in English
    University of West Florida

    A.A. in Pre-Law
    Pensacola State College

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