
Our students have won highly competitive internships with a wide variety of employers and institutions, such as federal agencies (e.g., U.S. Forest Service), state agencies (e.g., Iowa Department of Natural Resources; Florida Water Commission; Arizona Department of Wildlife), and private organizations (Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation; bioenergy, pharmaceutical, and feed companies; zoos and aquaria). Some have won more exotic internships, such as working for veterinarians in South Africa.

Undergraduate Research

For admission into professional schools, applicants need to have a strong academic record and clear evidence they can use the tools of science to answer questions and solve problems – the goal of undergraduate research. Students may pursue research related to that conducted by the Biology professors or pursue their novel questions. Some have pursued off-campus research opportunities. Several have won internships at prestigious institutions funded by the National Institute of Health (e.g., SURF program), National Science Foundation (REU program), or major universities (University of Iowa Carver Medical School; Mayo Clinic). Two traveled to Peru to study the effects of logging on soil microbiota.

Biology Club

The Biology Club is one of the largest and most active student clubs on campus. It provides students with opportunities to explore the biological sciences within a social venue and raises funds to help its members travel domestically and internationally. Members have toured medical institutions (e.g., USDA National Animal Disease Laboratory; Mayo Clinic), explored or camped in natural areas (county and state parks; federal refuges), or toured regional educational centers (e.g., Henry Doorly Zoo; state Science Centers). Some members have traveled to Peru and Costa Rica. The Club participates in annual campus competitions (e.g., Warrior Cup) and has completed campus beautification projects.