Waldorf University has partnered with Tutor.com, the world’s largest and highest-rated online tutoring company, supporting our students’ academic journey with free, live, online tutoring, available 24/7.
Through Tutor.com, Waldorf University provides free online tutoring in over 35 math and writing subjects, in addition to:
- Full essay paper draft reviews
- Live writing help, including APA, grammar, and paper organization assistance
- Guidance and assistance in math labs
Tutoring is available with English and Spanish-speaking tutors.
Tutor.com is a service of The Princeton Review and has over 4,000 expert tutors who provide one-on-one tutoring to our students the moment they need help. Tutor.com tutors come from a wide variety of backgrounds and include educators like our Waldorf Faculty, who demonstrate expertise in a subject area.
Tutor.com is available 24/7/361 – meaning you can access support on your education journey every day of the year except New Years Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
Students are automatically enrolled into a ‘course’ for Tutor.com in Blackboard. To access Tutor.com:
- Sign into Blackboard and navigate to the Institutions Page, then click the Tutor.com Classroom link. If this is your first time accessing the service, you will need to Quick Enroll.
- Read the Welcome message and access Tutor.com from the course menu bar.
- Select "Connect with a Tutor Now" in the top menu on Tutor.com, then type in the questions from your assignments with which you need assistance.
- Click on “Submit” and you’ll be connected with your Tutor in 60 seconds or less!