- Creative Writing
- English
- Residential
Joe Milan Jr., the author of The All-American and creative writing professor at Waldorf University, will be giving readings from his book and will be in conversation with other area authors at the following events:
- July 21st, 2023: La Crosse, Wisconsin. Pearl Street Books. 6 pm. “Reading and Q&A”
- July 22nd, 2023: Green Bay, Wisconsin. Lion’s Mouth Bookstore. 1 pm. “Reading and conversation with Wendy Wimmer author of Entry Level: Stories.“
- July 25th, 2023: Madison, Wisconsin. A Room of One’s Own. TBA. Reading and conversation with Wendy Wimmer, author of Entry Level: Stories.“
- August 2nd, 2023: Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Dotters Books. 6:30 pm. Reading and Conversation with Nickolas Butler.
- August 18th, 2023: Clear Lake, Iowa. Clear Lake Public Library. 5:30 pm. Reading and Q&A.
- August 31st, 2023: Ames, Iowa. Dogeared Books. 7 pm. “Cocktails & Conversation.”
- September 14th, 2023: Clarksville, Tennessee. Austin Peay University. TBA. Visiting Writer Series.
- September 23rd, 2023: Decorah, Iowa. Luther College Writers Festival. 1:30 pm. Panel with Carol Spaulding-Kruse, and Elise Gregory
This schedule will be updated as more dates are added.