Duties and Responsibilities

The board of trustees shall set and maintain the mission of the university and determine the general policies and affairs of the university. Specifically, the trustees will:

  • Appoint a president of the university to serve at the will of the board of trustees for such term as the board may prescribe and to support and assess the performance of the president;
  • Consider and approve, upon recommendation of the president or appropriate committee, the general policies of the university, including university personnel policies, admission policies, academic policies;
  • Consider and approve, upon recommendation of the appropriate committee or president, the annual operation and capital expenditures budget for the university with the premise that financial resources are utilized to provide sound education programs and submit approved budgets to the board of directors for final approval;
  • Approve, upon recommendation of faculties and the president, the earned degrees awarded;
  • Approve all governmental and private financial aid programs including, but not limited to grants, scholarships, and student loans;
  • Consider and approve or delegate authority to approve, upon recommendation of the president or finance committee, all major contractual relationships and other major legal obligations executed in the name of the university;
  • Appoint and create appropriate committees;
  • Consider and approve long range plans of the university; and
  • Consider and approve, upon recommendation of the president or the appropriate committees, loans, borrowing and the sale or purchase of real estate.

Board of Trustees